Timeline of Schools of Management Thought

  • Period: 1531 to 1531


    Machiavelli was a great believer in the virtues of a republic. a book Machiavelli wrote in 1531 while he lived in the early Italian republic of Florence. The principles he set forth can be adapted to apply to the management of organizations today.
  • Period: to

    Henry Ford

    Henry Ford was born in 1863 and grew up on a farm in rural Michigan. He was fascinated by machinery and was quite skilled in repairing and improving almost any machine. He started the Ford Motor Company in 1903, and by 1908, the Model T was built.
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    Model T

    Model T was to be for the masses, a car that virtually anyone could afford. He understood that the only way to make such a car was to produce it at high volume and low cost.Model T took over 12 1⁄2 hours to produce, only 12 years later, in 1920, Ford was producing one Model T every minute. By 1925, at the peak of the car’s popularity, a Model T was rolling off Ford’s assembly lines at the rate of one every 5 seconds.