
Timeline of Religion dating from 100AD to the 20th Century

By rin6405
  • 100

    Apostalic Age

    Apostalic Age
    Oral Tradition. Gentiles. New Testament. The peiod of the 12 apostles.
  • 160

    Persecution of Christians

    Persecution of Christians
    Christians were heavily persected in Rome under several Emporers such as Marcus Aurelius, Nero, Domitian and Trajan. Christians in Rome were considered to be unpatriotic - they did not practice traditional Roman pagan polytheism. Christians were given the same status of outcasts as Jews in some parts on the Holy Roman Empire.
  • 301

    Armenia adopts Christianity

    Armenia adopts Christianity
    Armenia becomes the world's first country to officially adopt Christianity as the state religion.
  • 312

    Vision of a Cross

    Vision of a Cross
    Constantine was about to battle with other candidates for Emporer and asks the one true God to reveal himself. It is said that Constantine saw a burning cross in the sky accompanied by the words "In hoc signo vinces" (Latin) translates to "In this sign conquer". Because of this the Christian church can grow and prosper free of religious persecution.
  • 313

    Edict Of Milan

    Edict Of Milan
    The Edict of Milan was an official decree that granted religious freedoms and tolerance of Christianity. The agreement was made between Emporer Constantine and Emporer Lucius. The edict gave Christians the right to have legalized churches and possibly regain property that had been confiscated during their prosecution.
  • 321

    Day of Rest

    Day of Rest
    Constantine decreed that Sunday would be a day of rest.
  • 325

    Council of Nicea / Nicean Creed

    Council of Nicea / Nicean Creed
    There was a huge controversy because a priest names Arius proposed that "if the Father begat the Son, the latter must have had a beginning, that there was a time when he was not, and that his substance was from nothing like the rest of creation." The Council of Nicea condemmed the views of Arius and wrote the Nicean Creed.
    homoousious- Greek for one substance.
    Monasteries developed. The trinity.
  • 326

    Consecration of Saint Peter's

    Consecration of Saint Peter's
    Pope Sylvester I consecrates St. Peter's.
  • 337

    Constantine Died.

    Constantine Died.
    Constantine died while at his villa in Akyrona. He was baptized by request just before dying by Eusebius, bishop of Nicomedia.He was taken to his tomb at the Church of Holy Apostles. The Roman Senate decided to deify him, advancing with the distinction of being a Roman Pagan God.
  • 410

    Rome Falls

    Rome Falls
    Church is more powerful than state. Combined with the swell of support for Christianity, internal strife, and various barbarian tribes, the Emperor of Rome finally crumbled.
  • 500

    Incense introduced into the church service.

    Incense introduced into the church service.
    The Catholic church as well a variety of protestant churches burn incense during service.
  • Sep 20, 622

    The Hegira and Muhammed

    The Hegira and Muhammed
    God Revealed himself to Mohammed and he became a prophet. Mohammed began to criticize the polytheistic religion of Mecca. He was then exiled and he became ruler of Yathrib.
  • Dec 4, 664

    Synod of Whitby

    Synod of Whitby
    THhis meeting consecrated the authority of the Pope throughout England. The Synod was ordered by the King of Northumbria and took place at St. Helda's Monestary at Whitby. (Hence the name.) The Roman church was granted supremacy and those who supported Celtic tradition evactuated to Scotland.
  • Sep 20, 732

    Battle of Tours

    Battle of Tours
    Stops Islam from moving Westward.
  • Sep 20, 1030

    Battle of Sticklestad

    Battle of Sticklestad
    Victory over Norweigian Paganism.
  • Sep 20, 1054

    East-West Schism Formalized

    East-West Schism Formalized
    A Schism is a formal breach between sects of the Catholic Church. The Great Schism of 1054, between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church, was caused by the enduring differences of religious beliefs and political views between the eastern and the western churches, the challenge to the absolute authority of the pope to make decisions concerning all of the Christian people and Christian doctrine, and the different views concerning the Filioque.
  • Dec 28, 1065

    Westminster Abbey Consecrated

    Westminster Abbey Consecrated
    Westminster Abbey is more formally known as The Collegiate Church of St Peter, Westminster. The dedication to St Peter is linked to a legend that says Sebert’s church was miraculously consecrated by St Peter himself, witnessed by one Edric, a poor Thames fisherman.
  • Dec 4, 1099

    Crusaders Capture Jerusalem

    Crusaders Capture Jerusalem
    The Franks invaded Jerusalem. The battle lasted five weeks until the city surrendered and the crusaders raided the city. People hid in the Temple of David and Tower of Solomon. About ten thousand people were beheaded within the tower as well as many who were shot down while trying to flee. Women and children were amongst the dead. They left no survivors/
  • Sep 20, 1130

    Peter of Bruys burned at the stake

    Peter of Bruys burned at the stake
    He was a religeous teacher who criticized some of the beliefs of the Catholic church. And angry mob killed him. He was also known as Peter the Venerable.
  • Dec 4, 1178

    Jerusalem recaptured by Muslims

    Jerusalem recaptured by Muslims
    The Muslim King Saladin defeated Christian Crusader's at the battle of Jacob's Ford, regaining control over the Holy Land.
  • Sep 20, 1187

    Jeruslam recaptured by the Moslems

    Jeruslam recaptured by the Moslems
    Saladin, the King of Syria, and his troops surrounded the city of Jerusalem on every side. He had archers attack the walls from all sides by shooting arrows and bombarding the walls with rocks. He had surrounded the city with about 10 thousand knights and another 10 thousand men on foot weilding sheilds and bows. Saladin ordered that all males, ten years or older, had to pay ten besants as ransom; females, five besants; boys, seven years old and under, one. If they complied they would be free.
  • Dec 4, 1189

    Third Crusade of Jerusalem

    Third Crusade of Jerusalem
    The Third Crusade was led by Frederick I Barbarossa of Germany, Philip II Augustus of France and Richard I the Lionheart of England. The battle lasted a full two years and ended in 1192. Richard was able to come to a treaty with Saladin that granted special rights to the Holy land to Christians.
  • Dec 4, 1204

    Sack of Constantinople / Fourth Crusade

    Sack of Constantinople / Fourth Crusade
    The Crusade was led by the Franks and the Venetians. The Christen city of Zara as well as Constantinople was attacked. The account of Byzantine historian Nicetas Choniates states that during the raid the Fransk and Venetians destroyed everything and killed anyone who resisted their orders. Most Byzantine art was destroyed, but the relics of the saints were hunted for.
  • Sep 20, 1208

    Albigsensian Crusade Begins

    Albigsensian Crusade Begins
    This was a 20-year military campaign initiated by Pope Innocent III to eliminate Catharism in Languedoc. The goal of a Cathar was to become perfect in every way. Cathars would point out examples of clerical immorality and would contrast that behaviour with uprightness of their own actions. They took special attention to point out the grievances the people of the south received from the French kings. The had an air of nationalism about them.
  • Sep 20, 1214

    Apparation of Mary to St. Dominic

    Apparation of Mary to St. Dominic
    St. Dominic said an apparition of Mary gave him a rosary while he was in a coma. He advocated strongly towards the use of the psalter (rosary). Dominic also founded the Dominican Order.
  • Dec 4, 1266

    Summa Theologiae

    Summa Theologiae
    St.Thomas Aquinas, who was also a Philosopher, published a multi-volume book that addresses philosophical questions about God and Christianity. The Summa begins by addressing the existence and nature of God, then creation and the nature of man.Secondly, Aquinas examins morality and law, while providing his account of the theological and cardinal virtues, and the seven deadly sins. Lastly, the Summa explores incarnation and the sacraments.
  • Sep 20, 1305

    Beggining of Avingon Papacy

    Beggining of Avingon Papacy
    The period from 1309 to 1376 during which seven Popes resided in Avignon.
    Pope Clement V: 1305–1314 (moved to Avignon March 9, 1309)
    Pope John XXII: 1316–1334
    Pope Benedict XII: 1334–1342
    Pope Clement VI: 1342–1352
    Pope Innocent VI: 1352–1362
    Pope Urban V: 1362–1370
    Pope Gregory XI: 1370–1378 (left Avignon September 13, 1376)
  • Dec 4, 1376

    Civil Dominion

    Civil Dominion
    John Wycliffe was a scholar and a philospher. Wycliffe opposed the dogmas of the medieval church. Some of the main thesis' published in Civil Dominion were:
    1: a man in sin has no right to dominion;
    2:a man who is in a state of grace possesses all the goods of the world;
    3:as a consequence, there can be no dominion without grace as its formal cause (De civili dominio, vol. 1, p 1).
    This doctrine questioned the authority of the Pope and ordered fa reform within the church.
  • Sep 20, 1378

    Beggining of the Western Schism

    Beggining of the Western Schism
    The period from 1378 to 1417, when there were two, and later three, rival popes, each with his own following, his own Sacred College of Cardinals, and his own administrative offices.
  • Sep 20, 1380

    Publication of Wycliff's Bible

    Publication of Wycliff's Bible
    A group of Bible translations into Middle English that were made under the direction of, or at the instigation of, John Wycliffe. Few common people could read and scripture was almost always given verbally. The idea behind this was that by translating the Bible into the vernacular so that the common people could read and interpret the Bible themselves.
  • Sep 20, 1388

    Lollard Movement

    Lollard Movement
    The Lollards were the followers of John Wycliff. Loller was the popular derogatory nickname given to those without an academic background, educated if at all only in English, who were reputed to follow the teachings of John Wycliffe in particular, and were certainly considerably energized by the translation of the Bible into the English language. By the mid-15th century the term lollard had come to mean a heretic.
  • Sep 20, 1414

    John Wycliff and Jan Huss burned at the stake.

    John Wycliff and Jan Huss burned at the stake.
    The executioners undressed Hus and tied his hands behind his back with ropes, and bound his neck with a chain to a stake around which wood and straw had been piled up so that it covered him to the neck.
    "God is my witness that the things charged against me I never preached. In the same truth of the Gospel which I have written, taught, and preached, drawing upon the sayings and positions of the holy doctors, I am ready to die today." - Wycliff
  • Sep 20, 1431

    Joan of Arc, burned at the stake

    Joan of Arc, burned at the stake
    This French woman received visions from angels telling her to seig Orleans to free it's captive Duke. She would later be captured by the English and put on trial because of a cross dressing charge. She was nailed to a crucifix in front of a large crowd and burnt to death.
  • Sep 20, 1455

    Gutenburg Bible

    Gutenburg Bible
    The first printed Bible! By johann Gutenburg. It was the first major book printed with movable type in the West. It was written in Latin.
  • Sep 20, 1456

    The Printing Press was invented

    The Printing Press was invented
    This allowed for literature to be circulated amongst the people and the people could read scripture in their native language. ESSENTIAL to the Reformation.
  • Sep 20, 1473

    Sistene Chapel was built

    Sistene Chapel was built
    The chapel takes its name from Pope Sixtus IV, who restored the old Cappella Magna between 1477 and 1480.
    I have been to the Sistene chapel and can say that it is really beacutiful. Michealangelo's paintings are breath taking.
  • Sep 20, 1478

    Spanish Inquisition

    Spanish Inquisition
    The Inquisition was formed by Ferdinand and Isabaella of Spain. It was established to maintain Catholic Orthodoxy in their Kingdoms. It was created to combat heresy. It was also used to make sure that people who had been forced to convert to catholicism did not go back to their old traditions, mainly the Jews.
  • Sep 20, 1483

    Luther was born

    Luther was born
    Sola Gratia, Sola Fides, Sola Scriptura.
    The father of the Reformation.
    A German monk, teacher and preacher.
    He was against the selling of indulgences.
  • Sep 20, 1508

    Michaelangelo fresco's the ceiling of the Sistene Chapel

    Michaelangelo fresco's the ceiling of the Sistene Chapel
    The Fresco was finally completed!
  • Jul 10, 1509

    Calvin is born

    Calvin is born
    Calvin was born in Noyon, France. He was a protestant performer. He published The Institues. He is the namesake of Calvinism.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    99 Thesis Published

    99 Thesis Published
    This was a literary document published by Martin Luther. It condemned the sale of indulgences, thus attacked the Catholic Church. It was extremely controversial. This and a number of other literature published by Luther outraged the Catholic church and he was deemed a heretic.
  • Jun 20, 1519

    Lepzieg Debate

    Lepzieg Debate
    A debate between Andreas Karlstadt and Johann Eck. Eck defended the Catholic doctrine and Karlstadt disputed it. The debate discussed free will and grace. Luther was invited by Eck to join in the debate.
  • Sep 20, 1521

    Diet of Worms & Edict of Worms

    Diet of Worms & Edict of Worms
    "My conscience is a prisoner of God's word. I cannot and will not recant, for to disobey one's conscience is neither neither just nor safe. God help me. Amen." - Luther Luther was asked to recant. He did not. He challened Rome and the Empire.
    The Edict stated that Luther was now a convicted heretic and no one should give him shelter. His followers to be condemmed and his books burned.
  • Sep 20, 1522

    Rebellion of Knights

    Rebellion of Knights
    Rebellion of Protestant and German Knights under Franz Von Sickingen. The revolt was against the Catholic Church.
  • Sep 20, 1524

    Peasant Rebellion

    Peasant Rebellion
    A series of economic and religious revolts in Germany. It involved an estimation of 300,000 peasants. The peasants were using priotestant principles and were trying to gain freedom. They wrote the Twelve Articles expressing the changes that they wanted the Holy Roman Empire to make.
  • Sep 20, 1525

    Anabaptist Movement begins

    Anabaptist Movement begins
    The Anabaptists were a part of the Protestant Reformation. The name Anabaptist is derived from the Greek term anabaptista, or "one who baptizes over again." This name was given them by their enemies in reference to the practice of "re-baptizing" converts who "already had been baptized".They believe people should only be baptized after making a concious choice to be a Christian. they were prosecuted because of their baptismal beleifs in the 16th century.
  • Sep 20, 1528

    Freedom of Will

    Freedom of Will
    Published by Erasmus aka Erasmus of Rotterdam. He called for reform within the church, but still recognized the authority of the Pope. Erasmus' writing on the Subject of Free Will were competitive with Luther's writing on freedon and will. His essential point was that humans have freedom of choice.
  • Sep 20, 1531

    Our Lady Gaudalupe

    Our Lady Gaudalupe
    This is a published account of how the virgin Mary appeared to a man in Mexico.
    "My dear little son, I love you. I desire you to know who I am. I am the ever-virgin Mary, Mother of the true God who gives life and maintains its existence. He created all things. He is in all places. He is Lord of Heaven and Earth. I desire a church in this place where your people may experience my compassion. All those who sincerely ask my help in their work and in their sorrows will know my Mother's Heart in this
  • Sep 7, 1533

    Elizabeth 1

    Elizabeth 1
    The reign of Queen Elizabeth is often reffered to as "The Golden Age". She was the daughter of Henry VIII. She became Queen in 1559 and became governor to the church of England. She wanted Protestantism to prosper because it proved the validity of her right to the throne.
  • Sep 20, 1533

    Calvin recieved a degree of Master of Arts

    Calvin recieved a degree of Master of Arts
    He studied at the Collège de Montaigu, University of Orléans and the University of Bourges. He learned Greek. He studied Theology and Law.
  • Sep 20, 1533

    Queen Mary persecutes reformers.

    Queen Mary persecutes reformers.
    This earned her the nick-name of Bloody Mary. She came into power after the death of her brother Edward, She then revived England's heresy actsThe first executions occurred over a period of five days in early February 1555: John Rogers on 4 February, Laurence Saunders on 8 February, and Rowland Taylor and John Hooper on 9 February.[117] The imprisoned Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer was fdramatically executed.
  • Sep 20, 1534

    Henry VIII establishes the Church of England

    Henry VIII establishes the Church of England
    Henry VIII of England wanted to regain power that he had lost to the Pope. He dissasocciated himself from the Catholic church and started his own church.
  • Sep 20, 1536

    First Edition of the Institues Published

    First Edition of the Institues Published
    516 Pages
    6 Chapters
    Published by John Calvin outlining his beliefs and is a Calvinist doctrine.
  • Sep 20, 1536

    Michaelangelo begins painting the last judgement.

    Michaelangelo begins painting the last judgement.
    A huge Fresco on the back wall of the Sistene Chapel showing the judgement of mankind by god. My favorite part of this piece is Saint Bartholomew displaying his skin, which many think is a self portriat.
  • Sep 27, 1540

    The Jesuits are founded

    The Jesuits are founded
    Ignatius Loyola founded this religious order/ community with the blessing of the Pope Paul III. The Jesuits would have a leader, who would lead for all his life and his word would be authority. The Jesuits would vow to hold themselves to poverty, chastity and obedience. St. Ignatius was voted to be the first group superior.
  • Sep 20, 1546

    Luther Dies

    Luther Dies
    Martin Luther Dies. He had been suffering from Ménière's disease, vertigo, fainting, tinnitus, and a cataract in one eye. He had a stroke and he dided at age 62, in Eisleben, Germany, the place of his birth
  • Sep 20, 1549

    Pubication of the original Book of Common Prayer

    Pubication of the original Book of Common Prayer
    The Prayer book used in the Anglican faith. It was published during the reign of Edward VI.
  • Oct 27, 1553

    Michael Servitus burned at the stake.

    Michael Servitus burned at the stake.
    He was a Spanish theologian and doctor. He was the first European to correctly describe the pulminary system. He published several theological pieces of literature. One of them was titled Christianismi Restitutio - it rejected the ideas of predestination. He was deemed a hereitic by catholics and protestants and was burned at the stake.
  • Sep 25, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    The negotiations of the Diet of Augsburg lasted almost a year. The negotiations concluded that the Holy Roman Empire granted religious freedom to Lutherans. Calvinists, Anabaptists, and the followers of Zwingli were not included in the treaty.
  • May 29, 1559

    The Opening of the Geneva Accademy

    The Opening of the Geneva Accademy
    Calvin openned this academy, where the youth of Geneva would be educated according to the Calvnist Principals. They would be educatied on the concepts of Predestination and TULIP.
    Total Depravity (also known as Total Inability and Original Sin)
    Unconditional Election
    Limited Atonement (also known as Particular Atonement)
    Irresistible Grace
    Perseverance of the Saints (also known as Once Saved Always Saved)
  • Sep 20, 1559

    Saint Teresa of Avila claimed Christ presented himself to her

    Saint Teresa of Avila claimed Christ presented himself to her
    "I saw in his hand a long spear of gold, and at the point there seemed to be a little fire. He appeared to me to be thrusting it at times into my heart, and to pierce my very entrails; when he drew it out, he seemed to draw them out also, and to leave me all on fire with a great love of God. The pain was so great, that it made me moan; and yet so surpassing was the sweetness of this excessive pain, that I could not wish to be rid of it..."
  • Sep 20, 1560

    French Wars of Religion

    French Wars of Religion
    This describes a period of civil wars between french catholics and protestants that lasted until 1598. Historians can agree that the wars ended with the Edict of Nantes. Hostility and intloerance towards each other remained between French Catholics and Protestants.
  • Oct 10, 1560

    Jacob Arminius

    Jacob Arminius
    He was the founder of Arminianism, which was an anti-Calvinist Protestant theology. Followers of this movement may also be reffered to as the Remonstrants. Arminius was a professor of theology at Leiden. In 1629 the Opera Theologica were published and by 1630 the Remonstrants had gained tolerance. Arminianism emphasized the grace of God and influenced Methodism.
  • Dec 4, 1560

    Phillip Melanchon is born

    Phillip Melanchon is born
    Theologian and Professor at Wittenburg Germany. He was really good friends with Martin Luther and believed that the Catholis church needed reform. He was the first systematic leader of the Protestant Reformation.
  • Sep 20, 1561

    Menno Simons is born

    Menno Simons is born
    The founder of the Mennonites.
    Originally odained a Catholic priest. He was influenced by the anabaptists and became convinced that infant baptism was wrong and there was no proof of it being needed in the bible. He became newly baptized and ordained as an Anabaptist. He became pious and peaceful and he rejected asceticism- which is the concept that one should deny themselves of worldy pleasures.
  • May 27, 1564

    Calvin Dies

    Calvin Dies
    Calvin died at the age of 55.
    “Thus withdrew into heaven, at the same time with the setting sun, that noble brilliant luminary, which was the lamp of the Church. On the following day and night there was intense grief and lamentation in the whole city; for the Republic had lost its wisest citizen, the Church its faithful shepherd, and the Academy and incomparable teacher.”
    - Beza, his close friend and successor.
  • Sep 20, 1566

    Roman Catechism

    Roman Catechism
    A doctrine published by the Council of Trent during the Roman Counter-Reformation. An authoratative manual was needed because of the abuses within the church. It describes the methods of instruction mandated by the Catholic church. It includes the Creed and many different articles describing the beliefs of the Catholic Church.
  • Sep 20, 1572

    Founding of the Scottish Presbyterian Church

    Founding of the Scottish Presbyterian Church
    Founded by John Knox. The Reformers of the Presbyterian denomination argued that although a hierachy between religious leaders was evident in the New Testiment, it did not have the sharp distinctions found within the Papal hieracrchy.
  • Roger Williams

    Roger Williams
    Williams fled persecution in England and immigrated to Massachuesettes. He was exiled in 1663 for voicing the conviction that the authorities "cannot without a spiritual rape force the consciences of all to one worship." He became aqqauinted with a Native American tribe and was able to purchase Rhode Island from them. He founded Providence and established the first ever Baptist Church in the US in 1638.
  • Jamestown, Virginia was founded

    Jamestown, Virginia was founded
    King James I granted a group of entrepreneurs the means and persmission to iniate an English settlement in North America lovated in the Chesapeak region. 104 London natives sailed accross the Atlantic with John Smith and his crew. They were not even able to survive winter - 60 out of the origina;l 214 survuved.
  • The Remonstrantice

    The Remonstrantice
    A Remonstrant document called Remonstrantice which outlined the five points of dissagreement they came to with Classic Calvinism.
  • King James Version

    King James Version
    "Could never yet see a Bible well translated in English; but I think that, of all, that of Geneva is the worst. I wish some special pains were taken for an uniform translation, which should be done by he best learned men in both Universities, then reviewed by the Bishops, presented to the Privy Council, lastly ratified by the Royal authority, to be read in the whole Church, and none other."
    - King James of England
    Published in the English vernacular- it embodies both the Old and New Testaments.
  • Margaret Fell is born

    Margaret Fell is born
    She was the wife of George fox and is considered to be a Quaker pioneer. She has authored over 23 literary works. She is well known for her views of female spiritual authority. She believed that every human has the "Christ Light" within. She was one of the earliest Quakers to address the philosophy of peace.
  • Beggining of the Thirty Years War

    Beggining of the Thirty Years War
    Including belligerents from Prussia, Austria, Great Britain, and France, this would be Europe's first "global conflict". Sparked over religigious differences, this war would be the death of several million men, and women, across the continent.
  • Plymouth Founded

    Plymouth Founded
    The Pilgrims, who were also recognized as Puritans, wanted to come to America to live and worship as early Christians had. They traveled here on the Mayfloewer. They established a Separist church in Plynmouth. Only 52 people survived the first year in Plymouth.
  • George Fox is born.

    George Fox is born.
    Fox began to preach in public in 1647. He established the Society of Friends, which is commonly known as the Quakers. The Quakers are a fundamentalist group. They adhere to certain prinicples:
    1. a belief in the possibility of direct, unmediated communion with the Divine
    2.a commitment to living lives that outwardly attest to this inward experience.
    "Christ is come to teach his people himself" - Fox
  • Edict of Restitution

    Edict of Restitution
    The Edict was published by Emporer Ferdinand II. It was meant to reatore power to the Catholic Church. It was very inefficient because most German Princes, Catholic and Protestant, liked living in coexistence.
  • Harvard was founded

    Harvard was founded
    The General Court of Massechuessettes Bay Colony funded the founding of Harvard Divinity School with only 400 pounds.
    After the Founders settled in America they wanted to provide an education to their youth ministers. They didn't want their Christian traditions to die out with them.
  • William Penn is born

    William Penn is born
    At age 22 Penn decided to be a Quaker. The Quakers refused to take up arms because they believed in piety. William Penn founded Pennsylvania so that the Quakers could escape religious persecution in Europe. Penn did not just ensure religious freedom to the Quakers in pennsylvania, but to people of all faiths.
    "If thou wouldst rule well, thou must rule for God, and to do that, thou must be ruled by him....Those who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants." –William Penn
  • The founding of the Amish

    The founding of the Amish
    Some would consider the Amish to be protestant, others, anabaptists, but it is not clearly defined where the Amish fit within Christianity.The Amish are named after Jaccob Amman. The movement began as a reformed Mennonite movement. The Amish sepperated from the Menonites because the Menonites had a "lack of discipline."
  • John Wesley is born.

    John Wesley is born.
    Evangelist Preacher, theologian, and founder of the Methodist Church.
    May 1738- Wesley had an experience in which his "heart was strangely warmed". This lead him to the epiphany that salvation could be reached by faith in Christ alone. In 1739 he began to establish the Methodist church.
    The Bible is the supreme influence in Methodist thought. It is noted that he would examine his own life as he read the scripture.
  • Charles Wesley is born.

    Charles Wesley is born.
    He was the brother of John Wesley and was the co-founder of Methodism. He wrote many hymnals that are still in use today.
  • Methodist Movement Begins

    Methodist Movement Begins
    Founded by John and Charles Wesley who were ordained ministers of the Church of England. John Wesley was a follower of Jaconus Arminius. There are many different types of Methodists. Basic Methodist beliefs are Orthodox and can be summed up into the Four Alls: All need to be saved; All can be saved; All can know they are saved, and All can be saved completely.
  • First Great Awakening

    First Great Awakening
    The Age of Enlightenment promoted critical and philosophical free thinking, which provoked a religious revival. Thisencouraged the emergance of new faiths. Theses new faiths were more democratic in nature than before. This was happening simultaneousy in the US and in Europe. Challening the Enlightenment, The Great Awakening discouraged critical thinking and reason and encouraged relying on Bibical revelation and truting the heart.
    “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” -Edwards
  • Shakers Movent Begins

    Shakers Movent Begins
    The Shakers followed Mother Ann Lee to the US. The term shakers is used to describe dissenters of the Quakers, which believe in the second awakening of Christ. They believe in communicating with God through inner light. They lead a simple, self sufficient ifestyle.
    The Shaker credo: "Beauty rests on utility."
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The inefficiency and abuse of power within of the French government, the economic crisis within France and the Enlightenment all set the stage for the French Revolution.
  • First Amendment to the US Constitution

    First Amendment to the US Constitution
    This guaranteed freedom of religion within the United States of America. This came from the Enlightenment ideals of men such as Voltaire and John Locke, who both agreed that a state forcing a certain religion or denomination on its people would inspire uprisings within the country and apathetic faith within the religion.
  • Joseph Smith is born.

    Joseph Smith is born.
    As an adolescent of 14, Smith said he was visited by God and Jesus. He was later visited by an angel, Moroni. Moroni told him to go into the woods and he would find Golden plates inscribed with a history. Smith then translated this into the book of mormon. He organized the the groups of Latter Day Saints in 1830 and became the first president of it.
  • The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth AKA Jefferson Bible

    The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth AKA Jefferson Bible
    84 pages of assorted passages picked from the New Testament by Thomas Jefferson. The texts were cut out and pasted into the book.
  • Mary Baker Eddy is born.

    Mary Baker Eddy is born.
    She was an author, teacher and a religious leader. She focused on health. She began the Christian science movement in 1875.
  • Catherine Mumford Booth

    Catherine Mumford Booth
    1829-1890 "Mother of the Salvation Army"
    She had 8 children with William Booth
    1860- She began to preach. She promoted gender equality in the Salvation Army. She published a pamphlet in 1859 entitled "Female Ministry: Or Women's Right to Preach the Gospel". She recruited women. She helped establish shelters for young prostitutes and delinquent women.Her fight against child prostitution resulted that Parliament passed a law raising the age of consent from 13 to 16.
  • William Booth

    William Booth
    Born in 1829
    Founder of the Salvation Army.
    He spent several years as a Methodist minister. He would preach to the masses in the streets of London. He formed his own movement named the Christian movement. He later changed the name to the Salvation Army in 1878. The movement is international and has worked in over 58 countries. They provide "spiritual and human services inspired by beliefs, traditions and expressions." They have eleven articles of faith that embody their beliefs.
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Founded

    The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Founded
    The Mormons believe that Jesus appeared to Joseph Smith in 1820. They believe in modern day revelation and prophecies, which can be invision by their president. The 13 Articles of faith ouline and summarize their fundamental beliefs.
    Unique beliefs: Restoration of authority, the Godhead (similar to the trinity), Modern prophets, plan of salvation, missionary programs, no full time clergy, and abstinence from alcohol, tea, coffee, and tobacco.
  • Southern Baptist denomination formed

    Southern Baptist denomination formed
    "Election is God's eternal choice of PERSONS unto everlasting life -- NOT BECAUSE OF FORESEEN MERIT IN THEM, but of His mere mercy in Christ - in consequence of which choice they are called, justified, and glorified."
  • Charles Taze Russell is born.

    Charles Taze Russell is born.
    He was repulsed by the idea of Hell.‘A God who would use His power to create human beings whom He foreknew and predestined should be eternally tormented, could be neither wise, just, nor loving; His standard would be lower than that of men.’ -Russell He published over 13 literary works. He was the founder of the Bible Student Movement, from which the Jehovah's Witnesses emergerged after his death.
  • Salvation Army Founded

    Salvation Army Founded
    "Christianity is synonymous with service for the Salvationist. The distinguishing feature in the religious life of The Salvation Army is active participation by its members."
    "Soldiers are disciples of Jesus Christ and are expected to accept responsibility in the work of The Salvation Army. Whenever possible, they participate in Army meetings."
  • Joseph Rutherford

    Joseph Rutherford
    He was the second president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract society and played an inmortant role duting the formation of the Jehovah's witnesses. He established 1914 as the day that Christ was going to come and that Christ had never died, but was killed on a tree.
  • William Seymour is born.

    William Seymour is born.
    In 1905 he attended Bible school under Charles Parham, the father of the Pentecostal movement. He began to preach Parham's message to blacks while Parham oreached to whites and they spread the Apostolic message to African Americans. In 1906, Seymour went to L.A. and began a prayer group. On 5/9, Seymour's housemate was baptized with evidence of speaking in tongues.
  • Charles Fox Parham is born.

    Charles Fox Parham is born.
    "Father of the Pentecostal Movement"
    He was near death when he heard a ringing in his ear asking him to preach. He told the Lord that if he made it so that he would not have to be a burden on society that he would would preach. Suddenly he was healed, except for his weak ankles. He vowed to enter ministry if God healed his ankles.And God sent the virtue of healing.
  • Christian Science denomination formed

    Christian Science denomination formed
    Based on reason and revelation. The religiion is based on the belief that people have the power to heal one another just like Jesus performed miracles on the sick and the dying. This movement was founded by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Scientists study the Bible and Science and Health with Key to Scripture, written by Mary Eddy Baker
    "Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask Him" - SHKS
  • Azusa Street Revival

    Azusa Street Revival
    Seymour held a controversial intereaccial service. It has been repoted that people spoke in toungues and acted eccentrically.
    "The blood of Jesus washed the color line away."
    This marks the begginings of the Pentecostal Movement.
    "For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries. But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort." 1 Cor. 14: 2-3
  • Jehovah's Witness' Founded

    Jehovah's Witness' Founded
    They refer to their faith as "the truth".
    Beliefs:The inerrancy of the Bible;
    The belief that God inspired the Bible's authors
    The Virgin Birth;
    Jesus giving his life as a ransom for past and future humanity;
    Opposition to divorce,
    Opposition to homosexual behavior, and pre-marital sex
    Opposition to abortion;
    The immense influence of Satan in the world;
    The validity of a literal interpretation of the Genesis creation story and rejection of the theory of evolution
  • Edict of Cuntos Populos

    Edict of Cuntos Populos
    Emporor Theodosius' edict stating that Chrstianity is the official state church of the empire.
  • Pope Gregory the Great

    Pope Gregory the Great
    This marks the beggining of the reign of the arguably greatest pope. My grandfather is named after him and he is a favorite in our household. He was known as "the father of Chritian worship".
    "Many are called, but few are chosen"- Gregory
  • Emperor Charlemagne Crowned

    Emperor Charlemagne Crowned
    Crowned by Pope Leo III, Charlemagne would become the first Holy Roman Emperor, and he was advised by the Christian mother and later saint Hildegard.
  • Translation of the bible into Latin

    Translation of the bible into Latin
    After Constantine conquered, Latin began to replace Greek as the vernacular language of Rome. Saint Jerome was the Pope's secretary and was commissioned to translate the Bible into Latin. He was chosen because he could allegedly speak and understand Greek, Roman and Hebrew.
  • Filoque Dogma

    Filoque Dogma
    The Latin word filioque, which means "and the son" was incorporated into the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed at a council in Toledo. This renforced the churches beliefe that the father and the son were one in essence.
    "When he, the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth…He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you" (John 16:13­14).
  • Icons and Worship / Second Council of Trent

    Icons and Worship / Second Council of Trent
    The Second Council of Trent addressed a dispute the was btween the Iconoclasts and the Iconodules. Iconoclasts ("icon-smashers") were against using depictions of Christ because they believe it is a form of idolatry. The Iconodules ("venerators") Were in favor of the use of Icons. It has been noted that Saint John of Damascus defended the use of Icons within the church.
  • Growth of Christianity in Russia

    Growth of Christianity in Russia
    According to the Chronicle of Nestor Prince Vladimir was being pressured by several different religions to accept one. He didn;t know which one to pick. He was later trying to conquer a Greek city when an arrow with a note attacthed was shot at him. " It is by the wells that are behind you in the east, that the water is led by pipes into the city; dig them up, and stop the supply ! " Vladimir swore " If it shall come to pass, I will be baptised." He did conquer the city and became a Christian.
  • Nicean Creed Revised

    Nicean Creed Revised
    The profession of the Christian faith common to the Catholic Church and most Protestant Churches was revised at Constantinope the version that is still used today.
    The Nicean Creed is the only creed accepted by all major branches of Christianity.