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Time Toast Assignment - Bethany Boyer

  • SixDegrees

    The first social networking site. An interconnecting network using Web 2.0
    (source: https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/then-and-now-a-history-of-social...sites/2/)
    (photo: SixDegrees.com/logo.jpg)
  • MySpace

    One of the biggest all in one blogging, music downloading, photo sharing, personal profile maintenance platform emerges.
    (source: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/29/myspace-history-timeline_n_887059.html)
    (photo: freebiesupply.com)
  • Skype

    This telecommunications app would allow its users a face to face experience via a screen. One of the first to provide such, this was the backbone of what we know today as FaceTime.
    (source: https://www.skype.com/en/about/)
    (photo: seeklogo.com)
  • YouTube

    An incredibly popular development, YouTube focuses on video content and streams. Many users gained much success and launched major careers by uploading their content onto this popular site.
    (source: https://www.youtube.com/yt/about/)
    (photo: logos.wikia.com)
  • Twitter

    The first of its kind, this social network relies on its users generating content in what was originally contain in 140 characters to express and create what they desired to communicate.
    (source: https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/Twitter)
    (photo: goinkscape.com)
  • Tumblr

    Tumblr is known as the first major site for short-blogging, this too is a very popular social networking site.
    (source: techland.time.com/2013/05/19/what-is-tumblr/)
    (photo: tumblr.com)
  • Kik Messenger

    Kik Messenger
    Instant messaging becomes easier than ever before by way of a social media app called "Kik". Using Kik, you can privately chat, group chat, exchange connections, etc.
    (source: https://www.kik.com/about/)
    (photo: kik.com)
  • Instagram

    Instagram, one of the largest apps still thriving today, is one of which provides its users ways to show highlights of their lives. They can do so by uploading photos and videos as content.
    (source: https://www.lifewire.com/what-is-instagram-3486316)(photo: kisspng.com)
  • Pinterest

    Pinterest is a game changer on the social media frontier because it is different in many ways. It allows you to pin your interests to boards its users create and highlights DIY projects, recipes, and home-improvement.
    (source: https://help.pinterest.com/en)
    (photo: business.pinterest.com)
  • SnapChat

    Filters make an emergence on one of the first major apps to provide multimedia use. You can instant message, video record, capture photos, even get news from participating companies using its platforms.
    (source: https://www.imore.com/snapchat-everything-you-need-know)
    (photo: logojoy.com)
  • Nextdoor

    Nextdoor takes social networking to a new level. This media allows people within communities to post the needs and services to others in that neighborhood to respond.
    (source: https://nextdoor.com/about_us/)
    (photo: governmentsocialmedia.com)
  • Vine

    Looping videos contained to a duration of six short seconds took a front seat in the entertainment department of social media. Having caught on to its popularity and trend, Twitter bought Vine in 2012 just a few short months after its launch for $30 million.
    (source:https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/vine-faqs) (photo: nymag.com)