

By maymay
  • 35,000 BCE

    Cave Paintings- 35,000 BC

    Cave Paintings- 35,000 BC
    Cave or rock paintings are paintings painted on cave or rock walls and ceilings, usually dating to prehistoric times.
  • 2500 BCE

    Papyrus in Egypt- 2,500 BC

    Papyrus in Egypt- 2,500 BC
    The papyrus plant is a reed that grows in marshy areas around the Nile river. In ancient Egypt, the wild plant was used for a variety of uses, and specially cultivated papyrus, grown on plantations, was used to make the writing material.
  • 2400 BCE

    Clay Tablets in Mesopotamia- 2,400 BC

    Clay Tablets in Mesopotamia- 2,400 BC
    Clay tablets were used as a writing medium, especially for writing in cuneiform, throughout the Bronze Age and well into the Iron Age.
  • 130 BCE

    Acta Diurna in Rome- 130 BC

    Acta Diurna in Rome- 130 BC
    Acta, (Latin: “things that have been done”) in ancient Rome, minutes of official business (Acta senatus) and a gazette of political and social events (Acta diurna).
  • 2

    Dibao in China- 2nd Century

    Dibao in China-  2nd Century
    The Chinese “Dibao” is the earliest and oldest newspaper in the world. During West Han time.
  • 5

    Codex in the Mayan Region- 5th Century

    Codex in the Mayan Region- 5th Century
    are folding books stemming from the pre-Colombian Maya civilization, written in Maya hieroglyphic script on Mesoamerican paper, made from the inner bark of certain trees, the main being the wild fig tree or Amate (Ficus Glabrata).
  • 220

    Printing press using wood blocks- 220 AD

    Printing press using wood blocks- 220 AD
    is a technique for printing text, images or patterns used widely throughout East Asia and originating in China in antiquity as a method of printing on textiles and later paper.
  • Newspaper- The London Gazette- 1640s

    Newspaper- The London Gazette- 1640s
    is one of the official journals of record of the British government, and the most important among such official journals in the United Kingdom, in which certain statutory notices are required to be published.

    This is where people discovered fire, paper from plants, forged weapons and tools with stones, bronze, copper, and iron.
  • Period: to

    INDUSTRIAL AGE- 1700s-1930s

    This is where people used the power of steam, developed machine tools, established iron production, and the manufacturing of various products.
  • Typewriter- 1800s

    Typewriter- 1800s
    A typewriter is a mechanical or electromechanical machine for writing characters similar to those produced by printer's movable type.
  • Telephone- 1876

    Telephone- 1876
    Alexander Graham Bell, scientist, inventor and innovator, received the first patent for an “apparatus for transmitting vocal or other sounds telegraphically,” a device he called the telephone.
  • Motion Picture Photography/ Projection- 1890s

    Motion Picture Photography/ Projection- 1890s
    dating from the 1890s, is one of the oldest of modern imaging, technologies that remains current today. Motion picture theory is simple and clear‐cut. Motion film is composed of a series of still pictures. When the still pictures are projected progressively and rapidly onto a screen, the eye perceives motion, hence they become a motion picture.
  • Period: to

    INFORMATION AGE- 1900-2000

    is a period in human history characterized by the shift from traditional industry that the Industrial Revolution brought through industrialization, to an economy based on information computerization.The internet paved the way advanced the used of microelectronics with the invention of personal computers, devices wearable technology. Moreover, voice, image, sounds, and data are digitalized.
  • Period: to

    ELECTRONIC AGE-1930-1980

    The invention of the transistor ushered in the electronic age. People harnessed the power of transistors that led to the transistor radio, electronic circuits, and the early computers. In this age, long distance communication became more efficient.
  • Television- 1941

    Television- 1941
    Television Programs in 1941. When commercial TV began in July 1941, New York City had three stations on the air. Although NBC had the only commercial license, CBS offered the most programs on a weekly basis.
  • Large Electronic Computers (EDSAC)- 1949

    Large Electronic Computers (EDSAC)- 1949
    Short for Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator, EDSAC is an early British computer considered to be the second stored program electronic computer, after the SSEM. It was created at the University of Cambridge in England, performed its first calculation on May 6, 1949.
  • Punch Cards- 1950s

    Punch Cards- 1950s
    A punched card or punch card is a piece of stiff paper that can be used to contain digital information represented by the presence or absence of holes in predefined positions. The information might be data for data processing applications or, in earlier examples, used to directly control automated machinery.
  • Telegraph -1950s

    Telegraph -1950s
    Telegraphy requires that the method used for encoding the message be known to both sender and receiver.
  • OHP, LCD Projectors- 1950s

    OHP, LCD Projectors- 1950s
    An LCD projector is a type of projector based on liquid crystal displays which can display images, data or video. An LCD projector works on transmissive technology. LCD projectors are more popular than many alternatives due to the fact that they are cheaper to produce and have excellent color reproduction. They are commonly used in business meetings, presentations and seminars.
  • Mainframe Computers (IBM 704)- 1954

    Mainframe Computers (IBM 704)- 1954
    The first mass-produced computer with core memory and floating-point arithmetic, whose designers included John Backus, formerly of IBM Watson Laboratory at Columbia University.
  • Transistor Radio- 1954

    Transistor Radio- 1954
    is a small portable radio receiver that uses transistor-based circuitry.
  • The Personal Computers (Apple I)- 1976

    The Personal Computers (Apple I)- 1976
    The original Apple Computer, also known retroactively as the Apple I, or Apple-1, is a personal computer released by the Apple Computer Company (now Apple Inc.) in 1976. They were designed and hand-built by Steve Wozniak. Wozniak’s friend Steve Jobs had the idea of selling the computer.
  • Portable Computers (Laptops)- 1980s

    Portable Computers (Laptops)- 1980s
    The first laptops using the flip form factor appeared in the early 1980s. The Dulmont Magnum was released in Australia in 1981–82, but was not marketed internationally until 1984–85. The US$8,150 (US$21,160 today) GRiD Compass 1101, released in 1982, was used at NASA and by the military, among others.
  • Smart Phones (1992-2018)

    Smart Phones (1992-2018)
    In 1992, IBM revealed a revolutionary device that had more capabilities than its preceding cell phones. This prototype smartphone was known as the Simon Personal Communicator, but it wouldn't see its way to consumers until 1994.
  • Web Browser (Mosaic)- 1993

    Web Browser (Mosaic)- 1993
    NCSA Mosaic was neither the first web browser (first was the WorldWideWeb of Berners-Lee) nor the first graphical web browser(it was preceded by the lesser-known Erwise and ViolaWWW), it was the web browser credited with popularizing the World Wide Web. Its clean, easily understood user interface, reliability, Windows port and simple installation all contributed to making it the application that opened up the Web to the general public.
  • Search Engines (Google)- 1996

    Search Engines (Google)- 1996
    Google, is a play on words of "googol" which is a mathematical term for the number 1 followed by 100 zeros. It is rumored that this reflects the founders' mission to organize the infinite amount of information on the internet.
  • Blogs (Blogspot)- 1999

    Blogs (Blogspot)- 1999
    Practically everyone reads blogs now, whether they’re “official” news blogs associated with traditional news media, topic-based blogs related to one’s work or hobbies, or blogs purely for entertainment, just about anyone you ask has at least one favorite blog.
  • LiveJournal- 1999s

    LiveJournal- 1999s
    is a community publishing platform, willfully blurring the lines between blogging and social networking.
  • Social Networks (Friendster)- 2002

    Social Networks (Friendster)- 2002
    The history of Friendster, a formerly popular social networking site that many cite as being one of the original social networks, is littered with numerous stories of triumph.
  • Video Chat (Skype)- 2003

    Video Chat (Skype)- 2003
    Skype was created in 2003 at a company founded by Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis. Originally called Skyper, it was later shortened to Skype when it was discovered that Skyper wasn’t available with all Internet domains.
  • Video (Youtube)- 2005

    Video (Youtube)- 2005
    is a video sharing service that allows users to watch videos posted by other users and upload videos of their own.
  • Microblogs (Twitter)- 2006

    Microblogs (Twitter)- 2006
    online microblogging service for distributing short messages among groups of recipients via personal computer or mobile telephone.