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The Terrific Toddler Timeline

  • Birth

    -Shows Reflexs
    -Smiles selctively at mothers voice
    -Shows startle reflex to sudden noises
  • 12-15 Months Physical Development

    12-15 Months Physical Development
    *Baby Walks Well
    *Can run but looks at the ground
    *Can pull off their own hats and socks
    *Can turn pages in abook
  • 12-15 Cognitive

    12-15 Cognitive
    -Jabbers expessively
    -Communications by gesture
    -Vocalizes more an Cries for attention
    -Concentrates hard on tasks that they are engaged in
  • 16-18 Months Physical Development

    16-18 Months Physical Development
    *Babies can "Scribble"
    *Can throw ball overhand
    *Can kick a ball forward
    *Begins too follow directions better than before
  • 16-18 Cognitve

    16-18 Cognitve
    -Vocalizes "no."
    -Has vocabulary of 10-15 words
    -Points and vocalizes to indicate words
    -Cries when wants are not met
  • 19-21 Months Physical Development

    19-21 Months Physical Development
    *Babies can walk backwards
    *Babies begin to challenge ideas that they dislike
    *Can poor water between two containers
    *Can stack blocks, maybe as high as a five block tower
  • 19-21 Cognitive

    19-21 Cognitive
    -Points to pictures in a book
    -Has vocab of 20 words (mostly nouns)
    -begins to use verns
    -May play with a toy up to 20 minutes
  • 22-24 Months Physical Development

    22-24 Months Physical Development
    *Babies can jump in place
    *Throw or roll large ball
    *Helps in washing their hands
    *Can walk up stairs with help
  • 22-24 Cognitive

    22-24 Cognitive
    -Often calls self by first name
    -Speaks 50 words or more
    -May want to help around the house
    -may begin to verbalize sentances
  • 24-30 Months Physical Development

    24-30 Months Physical Development
    *Can do and undo large buttons
    *Begins to throw temper tantrums
    *Start matching colors
    *Interacts with other children
  • 24-30 Cognitive

    24-30 Cognitive
    -Has vocabulary of 300 words
    -Uses phrases
    -Uses 3 to 4 word sentences
    -Gets angry when they can't have their way
  • 30-36 Months Physical Development

    30-36 Months Physical Development
    *Can copy a circle
    *Can ride a trycicle
    *Can stand briefly on one foot
    *Should be poty trained
  • 30-36 Cognitive

    30-36 Cognitive
    -Verbalizes toilet needs.
    -Uses plurals
    -Increases use of verbs.
    -Begins using adjectives
    and prepositions.
    -Has vocabulary of 900–
    -1,000 words (36 months).
    -Uses verbal commands.
    -Gives full name when
    -Asks “What’s that?”