
Development Timeline

  • Infancy

    Infancy is the period from birth to the age of 2 years old. There is a period called a critical period. This is a stage or a point in development during which a person is best suited to learn a particular skill or behavior pattern. Maturation is the automatic and sequential process of development that results in genetic signals. Meaning they turn from stomach to side, then to back, then sit, crawl, kneel, stand, and then they finally walk. Random movements turn into purposeful motor activities.
  • Childhood

    From the age of 3 to 11 you are considered a child. Children gain in competence as they grow older. Through experience, they learn new skills and become better at them. Children assume people see them how they see themself. They also compare themself to others. Both children and infants experience social developments such as attachment. They also often experience 2 fears, stranger anxiety, and separation anxiety.
  • Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development

    Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development
    The sensorimotor stage is learning to coordinate sensation and perception with motor activity, and the development of object permanence. This stage is from the age of 0-2. A characteristic for this stage is coordinating vision with touch, and understanding the relationship between their physical movements and the results they sense and perceive. The Preoperational stage is between 2-7 and is 1-dimensional thinking and the display of egocentrism, artificial, and animism.
  • Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Cont.

    The final stage of Piaget's theory is the formal-operational stage. This stage is 12 and up, and they are capable of abstract thinking, and are able to deal with hypothetical situations, strategize, and plan ahead to solve problems. People in this stage think abstractly. They realize that ideas can be compared and contrasted.
  • Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Cont.

    Characteristics of the preoperational stage would be, using words and symbols to represent objects, they do not understand the law of conservation meaning they see in 1-dimensional. The concrete-operation stage is between 7-17 and is when signs of adult thinking about specific objects but not abstract ideas begin, and they reduce egocentrism, A characteristic of this would be only being logical when thinking of specifics and focusing on 2-dimensional of problems at the same time.
  • Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development

    Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development
    Through the age of 9 most kids are at the pre-conventional stage,
    which is avoiding punishment, and satisfying needs. The conventional stage is winning approval and law and order. This stages age group is 13-16. Lastly, Post-conventional is social order and universal ethics, this stage is mainly found in adults.
  • Adolescence

    Adolescence is separated into 3 periods, the first one is from the age of 11-14. Middle adolescence is from 15-18, and late adolescence is from 18-21. During Adolescence the stable growth patterns in height and weight that mark early and middle childhood come to an end. This adolescent growth spurt usually lasts 2-3 years. During this time, most of the time you grow 8-12 inches in height. Girls began growing before boys. They normally start growing from 8-11 and boys began growing around 10-14.
  • Adolescence Cont.

    Sexual changes also happen during adolescence, which causes physical changes. In males, they began producing testosterone, sex organs grow, the voice deepens, hair grows, thicker body, more muscle, and larger heart/lungs. In females, the ovaries secrete more estrogen, growth in the breasts, growth of supportive tissue, pelvic region widens, hips become rounder, growth of pubic/armpit hair, and menstruation. This period can sometimes be awkward for both girls and boys.
  • Adolescence Cont.

    Some developmental tasks during adolescence include Social Development, Physical Development, and Identity Formation. Social Development covers the way humans interact with others. They grow in speech and communication as they learn good people skills Physical Development includes body changes throughout your life. Some challenges are eating disorders, substance abuse, sexuality, crime, and avoiding problems.
  • Young Adult

    Young Adult
    Young adults are from the age range 20-40. This is when they hit their physical peak, try new things, their relationship with their parents change, reassessment, they often settle down, sometimes marriage, and they develop identity. 5 Developmental tasks include: Exploring adult roles, becoming independent, developing intimate relationships, adjusting to living with another person, starting a family, the responsibility of starting a family, and beginning a career.
  • Middle Adult

    Middle Adult
    Age range from 40-65. MAy lose the physical ability, generativity, mid-life transition, perspective change, turn point, midlife crisis vs. age of mastery, middlescence, life changes, empty nest, and menopause. 5 Developmental tasks include helping kids transition, strengthening spouse relationships, help make the world a better place, and adjusting to physical changes.
  • Late Adult

    Late Adult
    Late adulthood is the age of 65 and up. The body begins to wrinkle, decrease In senses, brittle bones, stiff joints, and cognitive changes. Sometimes they experience senile dementia, Alzheimer's, and vascular dementia. They can experience a change in living arrangement, and a need to keep searching for value in life. 5 tasks include adjusting to physical change, keeping and becoming active, maintaining concern for others, shifting interest from work to retirement, adjusting to death.