the rise of the roman empire

  • 2017 BCE

    pantheon constructed by hadrian

    pantheon constructed by hadrian
    The Pantheon is on of the most best building in ancient rome. For now it has been sitting there for 2,000 years. Hadrian wathe emperor at the time when pantheon was finished to bulid. te pantheon is very popular, back than.
  • 753 BCE

    romulus founds (starts) rome

    romulus founds (starts) rome
    Romulus and rom were twin born to princess named rhea silvia. Their father was the fierce roman god of war, mars. The king where boys lived wa scared that someday Romulus and remus would overthrow him and take hi thrown. So he had the boys left in the basket on the tiber river.
  • 410 BCE

    visigoths sack rome

    visigoths sack rome
    The sack of rome was occurred in august 24, 410. The city was attacked by the Visigoths led by king Alaric. At the time rome was no longer capial of the western roman empire, having replaced in that position by Ravenna in 402.
  • 220 BCE

    hannbial invades italy

    hannbial invades italy
    Hannbial barca is considered one of the great generals of history. He invaded Italy and he attacked them. Hannbil was born in city named carthage. Crthage was he most powerful city in south Africa. Growing up hannbial wanna be solder like his father he hd tow brother Hasdrubal and mago.
  • 44 BCE

    julius caesar killed

    julius caesar killed
    Julius Caesar was born in subura , rome in the year 100 BC.At around age six gaius began his eduction. He was taught privet named marcus Antonius Gnipho. Caesar father died when he was sixteen years old. When sulla died, Caesar returned to rome .
  • 27 BCE

    caesar augustus becomes emperor

    caesar augustus becomes emperor
    Augustus was born in September 23, 63 BC in the city of rome. At the time rom was still republic governed by elected official. Once Octavian became man he began to involved in the politics of rome. Soon he wished to join his uncle Caesar in battle. After few years and days he was able to join Caesar. Octavian was away from rome when Caesar killed but he immediately returned upon hearing the news.
  • 1 BCE

    crucifixion of jesus christ

    crucifixion of jesus christ
    the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his resurrection are the most important events in human history. why is this because of jesus death human race has opportunity for eternal salvation.
  • 395

    Chirstianity decleared sole religion by theodosius

    Chirstianity decleared sole religion by theodosius
    Chirstianity was the devout of Theodosius, and he caused him to earn his Fame. Chirstianity the took the land that he once had when he died. He became the new emperor after he died.