
The Life of Muhammad

  • 570

    Muhammad was born

    Muhammad was born
    In the year 570 Muhammad was born in the town of Mecca. A high desert plateau of western Arabia. He was son of Abd Allah bin Al- Muttalib and Amina bint Wah even though Abd Allah died before Muhammad's birth.
  • 575

    Muhammad and mother went to Yathrib

    Muhammad and mother went to Yathrib
    When Muhammad was five or six his mother Amina bint Wahb took Muhammad to Yathrib, an oasis town a few hundred miles north of Mecca. He went to stay with relatives and visit his father's grave there.
  • 575

    Amina bint Wahb's death

    Amina bint Wahb's death
    While Muhammad and his mother are returning to Mecca, Amina drops ill and dies...
  • 575

    Muhammad put in protection of grandfather Abdul Al- Muttalib

    Muhammad put in protection of grandfather Abdul Al- Muttalib
    Halima, Muhammad's mother's nurse, takes Muhammad and puts him in the paternal guidance of his grandfather Abdul Al- Muttalib.
  • Jan 1, 610

    Muhammad's core shaking experience

    Muhammad's core shaking experience
    Muhammad made frequent trips to a mountain cave outside town where he fasted and meditated. On one of these occasions a powerful presence came before Muhammad and told him to recite words of such beauty and force that he and other would eventually assign them to god.
  • Jan 1, 613

    Muhammad shares his experience and it is put into Qur'an

    Muhammad shares his experience and it is put into Qur'an
    Until 613 Muhammad hadn't shared the experience in the cave to anyone outside of his family but when he did it was taken word- for- word and put into the Qur' an. It became Islam's sacred scripture.
  • Jan 1, 614

    Muhammad's loved ones death and possibly his?

    Muhammad's loved ones death and possibly his?
    Muhammad's uncle and wife both died near the end of the 610's and to make it better the leaders of Mecca attempted to assisinate Muhammad.
  • Sep 6, 620

    Meccans v. Muslims

    Meccans v. Muslims
    Throughout the decade of 620, the Meccans didn't appreciate Muhammad's sucess and they began war. The Muslims won the first (the Battle of Badr, March, 624), lost the second (the Battle of Uhud, March, 625), and won the third (The Battle of the Trench and the Siege of Medina, April, 627) ending the wars. The two sides signed a treay showing that the Muslims were an important aspect of Arabia. Later Meccan allies breached the treaty.
  • Jan 1, 622

    Muhammad and his followers go to Fathrib and eventually build the first Muslim community

    Muhammad and his followers go to Fathrib and eventually build the first Muslim community
    Muhammad and his followers went to Yathrib to visit Muhammad's fathers burial ground. Muhammad and his followers stay for a while until more and more people came and joined Muhammad building the first Muslim community.
  • Jan 1, 630

    Muhammad and followers march

    Muhammad and followers march
    Muhammad and his followers marched through Mecca in January, 630 without any bloodshed and Meccans joined them. Muhammad then moved back to Medina.
  • Mar 6, 632

    Muhammad returns to Mecca

    Muhammad returns to Mecca
    Muhammad returns to Mecca for pilgrimage and more followers. He succeeded, tens of throusands of Muslims joined him.
  • Jun 8, 632

    Muhammad's death and revelation

    Muhammad's death and revelation
    Muhammad returned to Medina after the pilgrimage. There he died after a brief illness. He is buried in the mosqe in Medina. Within a hundred years Muhammad's teaching and way of life has spread from the remote corners of Arabia as far east as Indo- China and as far west as Morocco, France, and Spain.
  • Muhammad's grandpa dies and Muhammad has new paternal gaurdian

    Muhammad's grandpa dies and Muhammad has new paternal gaurdian
    Upon Muhammad's grandafather's death, Muhammad was sent to be under the paternal care of his uncle, Abu Talib.
  • Teen Muhammad traveled a lot with Uncle who was a merchant

    Teen Muhammad traveled a lot with Uncle who was a merchant
    From 580- 594 Muhammad and his uncle Abu Talib traveled a lot because Abu was a merchant accompanying caravans to trade centers.
  • Muhammad enters the service of widow Khadija bint Khwalayd

    Muhammad enters the service of widow Khadija bint Khwalayd
    When Muhammad was in his twenties he became employed by a wealthy merchant in Mecca named Khadija bent Khwalayd. Muhammad and Khadija were distant cousins.
  • Khadija proposed

    Khadija proposed
    Whilst Khadija was being impressed by Muhammad's strong work and good character she dedcided to propose to the prophet. Khadija was 40 years of age over Muhammad's 25, but the duration of their marraige were pleasant and prosperous. Muhammad still worked for Khadija and they had 6 kids, 2 boys dying at infancy and four girls that lived healthy lives.