The French Revolution

By J H
  • Louis XVI

    Louis XVI
    A not so smart king with very little knowledge and skill when it comes to decision making and adjustments in the government in France.
  • "Madame Deficit"

    "Madame Deficit"
    Marie Antoinette was a pretty and charming woman. Although spent a lot of time in controversial court affairs and was unpopular to the French. She also loved to gamble and spent hours playing cards and once lost an equivalent of 1.5million by gambling. She was known as "Madame Deficit".
  • The Old Regime

    The Old Regime
    Around the 1770's the political and social of France, known as the Old Regime was still intact. This system consisted of a division between three large social classes, or estates.
  • Debt in France

    Debt in France
    During the 1770's and 1780's France's government had fallen into a large amount of debt. Part of the problem was the King and Queen and their constant spending of money.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    Third Estate delegates found themselves locked out of a meeting room. They broke down a door to an indoor tennis court and made a pledge pledging to stay until they had come up with a new constitution. Which is why it is known as the Tennis Court Oath.
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    Many rumors flew around France: some saying that foreign troops were coming to Paris to massacre the French citizens. People became aware and on July 14, a mob searching for gunpowder stormed the Bastille, a Paris Prison. The fall of Bastille became an act of revolution for the French.
  • Parisian Women get feisty

    Parisian Women get feisty
    In October of 1789, thousands of these Women rioted over the rising price of bread. The women marched to Versailles and demanded that the National Assembly take action to provide bread. Then they turned to the king and queen. They broke into the place and the king and queen left to Paris.
  • The National Assembly

    The National Assembly
    In a speech, Sieyès suggested the third Estates be called the National Assembly. After many discussions and debates this suggestion was agreed upon.
  • Meeting of the Estates-General

    Meeting of the Estates-General
    Since France was in debt and King Louis was not the brightest he thought that it would be better to put off dealing with this emergency until he had no money left. This called the attention of the second Estate and they made a meeting of the Estates General. This was an assembly of representatives from all three estates-to approve the new tax.
  • The Rights Of Man

    The Rights Of Man
    The National Assembly adopted a statement of revolutionary ideals, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the citizen. The document guaranteed the citizens equal justice and freedoms.
  • The Great Fear, that struck over the people

    The Great Fear, that struck over the people
    A wave of panic later known as the Great Fear rolled through France. The peasants became outlaws and broke into nobles' manor and destroyed papers that bound them to pay feudal dues.
  • The One who tried to get away

    As the National Assembly started rebuilding their relationship with the church and state, Louis XVI felt that he was in danger. In June of 1791, he and his family fled and went to the Australian Netherlands. They were caught and was killed.
  • France in the war

    France in the war
    The French had bad luck at the beginning of the war. in 1792 Prussian forces were advancing on Paris.
  • The Death Machine

    The Death Machine
    The Guillotine, was used for the criminals and more than 2,100 people were executed during the last 132 days of the reign of terror. Some witnesses enjoyed it and felt that it happened all too quickly.