French revolution

The French Revolution

  • Assisting the American Revolution(Leading to Bankruptcy)

    Assisting the American Revolution(Leading to Bankruptcy)
    Due to the inadequate tax system and the amount of money spent to assist in the American Revolution, The French Monarchy was facing bankruptcy. This led to them falling into debt too. Bad weather caused famine. This is an important event to consider as it led to peasants and the third estate getting more and more upset with the Monarchy and the way the country was being ruled. They were hungry and poor and the monarchy was not assisting their people. Source: Chapter 23, Section 1.1-1.2
  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

    The Timespan of the French Revolution
  • The National Assembly is Created

    The National Assembly is Created
    Louis XVI called in a meeting with the Estates-General to discuss the economic crisis in France. The Third Estate was unhappy with the treatment of their people and decided to create the National Assembly. This led to them passing the Declaration of Man and challenging the King's authority. This event is important as it shows the people's first stance against the Monarchy. It is the first step in Revolutionary change. It allowed for people to make a stance. Source: Chapter 23, Section 1.2.
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    This is when a mob stormed the Bastille which was a prison in Paris. This prison symbolized the monarchy rule. This event symbolises an act of revolution by the people and this event was an important moment towards the Revolution. This event is important as it was the first time the French People took a stance towards the monarchy's dictatorial rule. Source: Chapter 23, Section 1:3.
  • Abolishing the Feudal System.

    Abolishing the Feudal System.
    This event is when the noblemen made speeches which declared their love of equality. They joined the National assembly which made them equal to the nobles and the clergy. This led to the Old Regime ending. The National Assembly abolished the feudal system. This event is important as it allowed for the commoners to be equal to nobles. This led to the Old Regime dying out and reformations began. Source: Chapter 23, Section 2.1.
  • The Woman's March

    The Woman's March
    This event marks the day where many Parsian women were upset and rioted over the rising price of bread. They marched on Versailles with weapons and axes. This event led to Louis and Marie Antoinette returning to Paris. This event is important as it led to the King leaving the city. This indicated a shift in power and radical reforms began. Source: Chapter 23, Section 1.4.
  • The King's Execution

    The King's Execution
    This event is important it is the day King Louis XVI was executed. He was executed as it was believed he was considering with Foreign powers. He was sentenced to death by the French National Convention. This event is important as it marked the end of the Old Regime and Monarchy forever. Source: Chapter 23, Section 2.3.
  • The Reign of Terror Begins

    The Reign of Terror Begins
    The Reign of Terror is the period of time during the French Revolution when Robespierre the head of the Committee of Public Saftey decided that terror is the only way to rule France. Countless people were murdered during this time and a large number of these people were peasants. This event is important as the Reign of Terror is a significant part of the French Revolution and showed the violence during the French Revolution. Source: Chapter 23, Section 2.4.
  • Robertspierre is overthrown

    Robertspierre is overthrown
    This day marks when Robespierre is overthrown. This led to the Reign of Terror ending. Robespierre is also executed. This is an important event as it marks the end of the Reign of Terror. Source: Chapter 23, Section 2.5.
  • The Directory is Formed

    The Directory is Formed
    This day marks when The Directory was formed. This followed the end of the National Convention and the official end of the Reign of Terror and the Committee of Public Safety. This was an important change as it ended the excess remains left of the Reign of Terror. Source: (
  • The End of the Revolution

    The End of the Revolution
    This day is when Napoleon overthrew the Directory and established the French Consulate. Napoleon becomes the leader of France. This marked the end of the French Revolution. This event is an important one as it marks the end of the French Revolution and the beginning of Napoleon's rule. Source: Chapter 23, Section 3.1.