Coliseo roma 2e567462 1500x1081

The ancient Roma

By Oriol.E
  • 1576 BCE

    the main gods

    the main gods
    The twelve main gods, usually called Olympians, were Zeus, Hera, Hephaestus, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hestia, Hermes, Demeter and Poseidon. Zeus is the god of heaven, in Greek mythology, he is the ultimate god of Olympus.
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  • Period: 1576 BCE to 100

    Roman economy

    During the Roman Republic, the Roman economy was largely agrarian, centered on the trading of commodities such as grain and wine. Financial markets were established through such trade, and financial institutions which extended credit for personal use and public infrastructure, were established primarily through inter-family wealth. In times of agricultural and cash shortfall, Roman officials and moneyers tended to respond by coining money.
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  • 1380 BCE


    Before they appeared on the tables of the powerful exotic food coming from such disparate places as Guinea (pheasants), Persia (roosters), India (turkeys), Hispania (rabbits), Ambracia (roe deer), Chalcedony (tunas), Taranto ( oysters and clams), Attica (mussels) or Daphne (thrush), the Romans knew only the basic food provided by the land: cereals, legumes, vegetables, milk or eggs.
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  • 1378 BCE

    Basilica of Sant Pere

    Basilica of Sant Pere
    The basilica of Sant Pere Basilica di San Pietro (italià is one of the main buildings of Catholicism and the greatest importance in terms of importance, as far as dimensions are concerned, as far as dimensions are concerned. and 44.5 d'alçada He is on the banks of the Tiber river dins of the territory of the Vaticà independent state of the city of Rome It is not the cathedral of the diocese of Roma but it is the Pope's Church.
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  • 1376 BCE


    These starred legends, were pets or were linked to sacrifices, shows and wars
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  • 1375 BCE

    The culture of Ancient Rome

    The culture of Ancient Rome
    The culture of Ancient Rome was the result of an important exchange between different civilizations: Greek culture and developed cultures in the East (Mesopotamia and Egypt), which contributed to the formation and culture of the Romans.
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  • 1343 BCE

    Roman art

    Roman art
    By Roman art (without further adjectives) the art of Ancient Rome is understood, from the foundation to the fall of the Roman Empire of the West, whether it be in the city of Rome or in the rest of Italy and in the eastern and western provinces. The art of the Eastern part of the Empire, after the fall of the West, although it is in continuity with the Roman Empire, is called Byzantine art.
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  • 1310 BCE

    Mythology of Roma

    Mythology of Roma
    Roman mythology is full of great characters and gods that over the centuries have been a reference of one of the oldest civilizations. However, in spite of its power this mythology, as far as its gods are concerned, lacks originality, since it was adopted from the Greek, changing their names, personalities and stories; granting them great attributes to make them their own.
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  • 1308 BCE

    the history of Rome

    the history of Rome
    The history of Rome is the history of the city as an urban entity and the history of the states and institutions of which it has been the capital or seat over time. It can be divided into prehistory, Ancient Rome, Medieval Rome, Modern and Contemporary Rome; or in Ancient Rome, Pontifical Rome and contemporary Italian Rome.
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  • 753 BCE


    Luperca is the name of the wolf who, according to mythology, roamed Romulus and Remus, mythological founders of Rome. Its statue, known as Wolverine Capitolina, is preserved in the Capitoline Museums.
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  • 19 BCE

    Trevi's Fountain

    Trevi's Fountain
    La Fontana di Trevi es la fuente más monumental de Roma y una de las más hermosas del mundo. La historia de esta fuente se remonta a los tiempos del emperador Augusto. Según la leyenda, fue una misteriosa doncella la que indicó al general Agripa el emplazamiento del manantial, en las afueras de Roma. Para traer el agua a la ciudad, Agripa construyó un acueducto (terminado el año 19 a.C.), que en honor de la doncella se llamó Acqua Virgo.
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  • 100

    Coliseum of Rome

    Coliseum of Rome
    The Coliseum is amphitheater of Rome that was built in the 1st century. It is located just east of the Roman Forum, and was the largest of the build in the Roman Empire. Originally known as the Flavi Amphitheater , it became known as the Colosseum because there was a large statue on it, the Colossus of Nerón, a monument dedicated to Emperor Nero who later suffered transformations and arrived to disappear It had capacity for 50,000 seated spectators, with eighty rows in the stands with wikipedia