
By SamMan
  • Period: to

    Telescope Advances and Discoveries

  • Invention of the Telescope

    Invention of the Telescope
    Hans Lippershey invented a device with the claim of 3 times magnification. His telescope consisted of a concave eye piece alligned with a convex objective lens. Lippershay also worked with his friend Zacharias Jansen, they both were working with optical instruments at the time. People credit both Lippershey and Jansen for the invention of the telescope.
  • Galileo creates his telescope

    Galileo creates his telescope
    Galileo modeled his first telescope after the ones being produced at the time. His first telescope could magnify things three times. Later that year, he created a new telescope that was able to magnify things by twenty times.
  • Newton's telescope

    Newton's telescope
    Newton created a reflecting telescope with polished, rounded, metal mirrors instead of glass.The telescope he created did not suffer from chromeatic aberration. The light rays did not pass through the glass and becauseof that, the images were no longer as blurry
  • William Herschel discoveries

    William Herschel discoveries
    Herschel discovered what he first thought was a comet but then it was later found to be Uranus. He also discovered two moons orbiting Uranus and also two moons orbiting Saturn. Becasue of these discoveries, he was elected into the royal society.
  • Hale and the Mount Wilson Observatory

    Hale and the Mount Wilson Observatory
    George Hale planned and help construct several of the worlds leading telescopes. He worked on the 40in refracting telescope at Yerkes Observetory, the 60in Hale reflecting telescope at Mount Wilson, the 100in reflecting telescope at Mount Wilson, and the 200in telescope at Palomar Observetory.
  • Edwin Hubble

    Edwin Hubble
    Edwin Hubble found many nubulea when he was studying outerspace through the Hooker telescope at the Mount Wilson observatory. Two nebulea that he found were the andromeda nebula and triangulum. In 1929, he examined the relation between distance and red shift of galaxies.
  • Penzius and Wilson

    Penzius and Wilson
    While experimenting at the Holmdel Horn Antenna, Penzius and Wilson found that there was a constant heat all around the universe, three degrees above absolute zero. They thought it was a problem with the telescope but it was in fact cosmic microwave background radiation. They were awarded the Nobel prize for physics in 1978 for this discovery.
  • The Hubble space telescope

    The Hubble space telescope
    The hubble space telescope was launched in 1990 and is still in operation today. It has a 7.9ft mirror and its four main instruments observe in near untraviolet, visible, and near infared spectra. The telescope is named after the astronomer Edwin Hubble. The telescope has taken some of the most stunning space photos.
  • Wmap

    The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe was a spacecraft that operated from 2001 to 2010 and it measured the differences across the sky in temperature of the cosmic background radiation.
  • Kepler

    Kepler is a space observatory launched in March 7th 2009 to survey a portion of our region of the Milky Way. It is supposed to discover dozens of Earth-size exoplanets in or near the habitable and also to estimate how many of the billions of stars in the Milky Way have such planets.