
TED 200: Historical Timeline

  • Freedmen Bureau

    Freedmen Bureau
    This is extremely important because it was the start of getting African Americans into schools. Equal education for everyone is so important and this was the beginning of opportunities for many. Education is essential for success in todays world for reasons such as being able to read, write, and get better jobs to support their families. Without the start of this Bureau, many African Americans wouldn't have the education they have today or the same educational opportunities all Americans have.
  • Platoon Schools

    Platoon Schools
    This was the start of the organized schools we have today. Without this change, we may have less organized classrooms and more distractions. By organizing times for certain subjects, setting certain rooms aside, and by using varied curriculum we are helping these students succeed. This was just the begging of organization within education, but schools wouldn't be where they are today without this major step in the right direction.
  • Free and Appropriate Education to Students with Disabilities

    Free and Appropriate Education to Students with Disabilities
    Every student deserves equal education no matter what their disability may be. Equality of opportunity is extremely important not only in the education field, but when they get out into the real world as well. Students with disabilities can contribute to society just as much as anyone else so their education is equally as important as the next. Whatever sort of help they student may need, should be free and the education should be equal to what every other student is getting decided accordingly.
  • National Assessment of Educational Progress

    National Assessment of Educational Progress
    Checking students progress is incredibly important. Teachers don't know if they are doing their job if they don't test students progress. The students also wouldn't be able to tell if they are improving within their studies without some form of assessment. There also needs to be some sort of test (such as this one) that measures how schools measure up to other schools within the state and the country. This way the school knows if they need to improve or if their school is meeting the standards.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    Different students have different needs. Schools need to be held accountable for the unequal achievement of some students. This is important because then the state can see how students are progressing and they make sure these kids pass the tests they are supposed to. Also, is tests the core subjects so we can see if the teachers are doing what they need to do to help these students succeed in these state assessments that are now mandatory.