Technology in My Life

By jhswink
  • Home Computer Apple IIe

    Home  Computer Apple IIe
    My first experience at home with a computer. At the time I was not aware of all the potential this device had. However, I spent most of my time playing games! Computers entered the homes of millions of people as Apple began its sweep of the nation with its technology. Image from Wikipedia.
  • cordless phone

    cordless phone
    My parents bought our first cordless phone. This was a huge game changer for my teenage self as now I did not have to hide underneath the table in the dining room to have a private conversation with my friend. Image from Wikipedia.
  • Computer Class in High School

    Computer Class in High School
    I first began to understand the potential of computers and their intense systems when I took a computer class in high school. One of my fondest memories was instant messaging with my classmates even though they were sitting right behind me! Image from Wikipedia.
  • Floppy Disks

    Floppy Disks
    In the 90's everyone needed floppy disks to save information such as written assignments and research papers. I am sure that many teens are unaware that the "save" icon on their computers derived from the looks of these disks. Image from Wikipedia.
  • Dial Up Internet

    Dial Up Internet
    Ahhh, that familiar sound of waiting for your home computer to connect to the internet. I will never forget the late nights working on research for college papers. Image from YouTube.
  • Thumbdrive

    I remember asking my fellow teacher what that device was that she had plugged into her desktop. I thought it was the most ingenious thing ever! Although a little smaller and more portable than the floppy disk... they are are still popular today for storing data and information. Image from
  • Smartboard in my Classroom

    Smartboard in my Classroom
    I was incredibly excited when I discovered that I would be getting a SmartBoard (interactive whiteboard) in my kindergarten classroom. After a few years of trial and error I cannot imagine teaching without it. Such an incredible tool for teachers and students in the world of education! Image from YouTube.
  • NCTIES Conference

    NCTIES Conference
    In 2014 I attended my first North Carolina Technology in Education Society conference. It was amazing to learn from other teachers and professionals how to embed technology practically in my classroom! I have since attended a few other times and plan to visit again in the near future. Image from NCTIES.png
  • Online Education

    Online Education
    With an active family and a busy career I could not imagine attending graduate school in a face to face setting. Online education has transformed my teaching career by allowing me to attend graduate school completely online. Image from Wikipedia.