Blackboard with chalk

Summaries of Foregin Lanugage Teaching Methods

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    Grammar-Translation Method / Classical Method

    Grammar-Translation Method / Classical Method
    Classes taught in mother tongue with little to no TL. Focus on translating text and grammar structures. Little to no pronounciation or context within a text. Complex text from the beginning with small range of vocabulary and use of memorization and rules to understand the language instead of aquiring it.
  • Period: 100 to

    Grammar-Translation Method / Classic Method

    Classes taught in mother tongue with little to no TL. Focus on translating text and grammar structures. Little to no pronounciation or context within a text. Complex text from the beginning with small range of vocabulary and use of memorization and rules to understand the language instead of aquiring it.
  • The Direct Method

    The Direct Method
    Teachers were frustrated with the "Grammar-Translation Method" and through experiment they came up with methods that were similar to first language aquisition. Students make connections between common objects and daily activities using exclusively the target language.
  • The Audiolingual Method

    The Audiolingual Method
    In reaction to the Direct Method and with influence of the World Wars, students learn through drills, repeition, and memorization through these drills. The learners may learn quickly, but the results don't last very long.
  • The Silent Way (Gattegno)

    The Silent Way (Gattegno)
    The teacher is mainly silent and the students do all the talking. Students take more responsibility for own learning. Learners learn from trial and error and develop their own criteria for own output and are capable of making own correction.
  • Total Physical Response (Asher)

    Total Physical Response (Asher)
    Students aquire the language through phyisical response to oral command in the target language. Students pay attention to instructor and begin with mimicing until they can do it on their own. All students are invloved, which lowers the affective filter and increases motivation.
  • Community Language Learning (Curran)

    Community Language Learning (Curran)
    The teacher is the “knower” or “counselor”.Students decide what they want to say and the teacher is the translator it for them and helps them say what they want. This forms a community with similar goals to help reduce anxiety (Affective Filter).Everyone involved must share a common language
  • Suggestopedia (Lozanov)

    Suggestopedia (Lozanov)
    Creating a low-anxiety environment with the target language and a comfortable atmosphere so that the subconscious can release and absorb new information. (Low lights, soft furniture, baroque music). Teacher is in charge and gives input in the form of Role-play, dialogues, or dramatic techniques. The students should think positively, relax and be comforatble acting like a chile.Grammatical explanations given in native language