Student Behaviors (In Ages)

  • 5 years old

    5 years old
    1) Experimenting with pushing boundaries and testing limits.
    2) Fear and anxiety about starting school and leaving home.
    3) Interrupting others, short attention span.
    4) Reacting and observing to the world around them.
  • 6 years old

    6 years old
    1) Demonstrates competitive behavior among others.
    2) Explores socially.
    3) Understands what right and wrong means when directions are given.
  • 7 Years old

    7 Years old
    1) Starting to model good and bad behavior of adults and parents around them.
    2) Gaining more of an attention span.
    3) Can understand and follow simple instructions when written or spoken.
  • 8 Year Olds

    8 Year Olds
    1) Opinions of their own start to develop.
    2) Arguing occurs more frequently.
    3) Can and will get disappointed when they see they are not excelling at something.
  • 9 Years old

    9 Years old
    1) Will want to spend more time on subjects that interest them.
    2) Wants to decide and share opinions of their own.
    3) Has many questions about the world around them.
    4) Wants to "fit in" with other students.
  • 10 Years old

    10 Years old
    1) Trying to gradually gain more independence.
    2) Wants to spend more time with friends rather than parents, teachers and other adults.
    3) As school work become gradually harder, difficulty and anxiety becomes more apparent.
  • 11 Years old

    11 Years old
    1) Wants adult help but will often resist it.
    2) Will usually learn faster from mistakes being made.
    3) Is trying to become more independent but still requires many limits and restrictions.
  • 12 Years old

    12 Years old
    1) Many physical changes are starting to occur with the body.
    2) Friends and after-school activities are starting to become more important to be involved in.
    3) Bullying and teasing is becoming an issue during this age, students are trying to fit into stereotypes and cliques.
  • 13 Years old

    13 Years old
    1) Will tend to be more tired at this age. Students will tend to get less sleep than ever before.
    2) Breaking rules and testing teacher limits will occur more frequently.
    3) Moody behavior may alter school work an learning.
  • 14 Years old

    14 Years old
    1) Will start to have more interest in social gains rather than academic gains.
    2) Tends to challenge authority figures more than ever before.
    3) Learning is more of a trial and error process.
  • 15 Years old

    15 Years old
    1) More tires and does not normally have enough energy during the school day.
    2) Lacks communication with parents and teachers.
    3) Starts to have sneakier behavior in and out of school.
  • 16 Years old

    16 Years old
    1) Focuses less on school and more on learning to drive and starting to work first time jobs.
    2) Anxious behaviors start to occur because testing for colleges is starting to begin.
    3) Looking for more freedom to do what they want to do only.
  • 17 Year old

    17 Year old
    1) Starting to predict heir own future and tend to be excited to see what is to come after graduation.
    2) Maturity is beginning to blossom.
    3) More control over their own learning and education.
  • 18 Years old

    18 Years old
    1) Still lacks real life experiences.
    2) Will and can make real life decisions, whether they are good or bad choices.
    3) Figuring out how to make a daily routine for themselves so they can become successful after high school graduation.