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Stamped- Quan Xin Phoong

  • 1415

    Prince Henry's Caper

    Prince Henry's Caper
    Prince Henry's goal was to "capture the main Muslim trading depot [in] Morocco"(22).
  • 1415

    The World's First Racist

    The World's First Racist
    Most is "...capturing people wasn't an unusual thing back thing back then. Just a fact" (23).
  • Period: 1415 to

    History of Racism and Antiracism

  • 1450

    The Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea

    The Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea
    According to Kendi and Reynolds, "Zurara was the first person to write about and defend Black human ownership" (25).
  • 1526

    First Known African Racist

    First Known African Racist
    According to "aI-Hasan Ibn Mahammad aI-Wazzan al-Fasi, a well-educated Moroccan who was on a diplomatic journey along the Mediterranean Sea when he was captured and enslaved. He was eventually freed by Pope Leo who converted him to Christianity, rename him Johannes Leo..." (26).
  • 1577

    Curse Theory

    Curse Theory
    According to George Best "...in Northeastern (freezing-cold) Canada were darker than the people living in the hotter South, English travel writer George Best determined..." (29-30)
  • Slaves

    According to William Perkins argued that "...slave was just a part of a loving family that was ordered a particular way. And that souls were equal, but not the skin. It's like saying, "I look at my dog like i look at my children, even though I've trained my dog to fetch my paper by beating it and yanking its leash." (31).
  • Boats

    There was "...a Spanish ship called San Juan Bautista hijacked by two pirate ships. The Bautista was carrying 350 Angolans, because Latin American slaveholders had already figure out their own slave-trading system and has enslaved 250,000 people. (36)
  • Jamestown's First Slaves

    Jamestown's First Slaves
    A Latin American ship was seized by pirates and "twenty Angolans [on board were sold to] the governor of Virginia"(36)
  • Richard Mather's Arrival

    Richard Mather's Arrival
    Richard Mather was a Puritan who came to America to practice a "more disciplined and rigid" (32) form of Christianity.
  • Married

    According to both families both "Richard Mather marries John Cotton's widow, Sarah. Richard Matter's youngest son, Increase Sarah's daughter, Maria, making her his wife and step sister." (46)
  • Cotton Mather is Born

    Cotton Mather is Born
    According to Cotton Mather's parent, "Increase and Maria have a son. Feb 12, 1663. They name him after both families." (46-47)
  • "Voluntary" Slaves

    "Voluntary" Slaves
    According to Richard Baxter, some "Africans people. He said they were "voluntary slaves," as in Africans who wanted to be slaves so that they could be baptized" (39).
  • British Minister

    British Minister
    The one person who believed that Africans want to be slaves is, "There was a piece in 1664 by the British minister Richard Baxter called A Christian Director."(38)
  • Battle

    In Puritans that's in New England got a man that was a war leader, "But eventually a man name Metacomet, a Native American war leader, was killed, which basically ended the battle in 1676." (42-43)
  • Creation of White Privileges

    Creation of White Privileges
    In response to Nathaniel Bacon's uprising, local government decided to give "all Whites [...] absolute power to abuse any African person" (45).
  • Glorious Resolution

    Glorious Resolution
    The Glorious Resolution in 1688 "...was not glorious for him. And, feared that the anger that caused the uprising would go from the British elites to the elites right at home -meaning him-he created a new villain as a distraction." (50)
  • First Antiracist Writing in the Colonies

    First Antiracist Writing in the Colonies
    The Mennonites were against slavery because they "equat[ed]" (41) discrimination based on skin color to discrimination based on religion.
  • Petition

    Due to the equality of the skin color that is treated differently they wrote the first Petition, "Germantown Petition Against Slavery-was the first piece of writing that was antiracist (word check!) among European settlers in colonial America." (41)
  • The Witch Hunt Begins

    The Witch Hunt Begins
    There was a illness that got to Parris which made Parris's parents think she was cursed by a witch, "...when Parris's nine year-old daughter suffered convulsions and chokes, he believed she'd been possessed or cursed by a witch. That was all it took. The witch hunt began." (50-51)
  • First Great Awakening

    First Great Awakening
    In 1730 there was the First Great Awakening that happened when someone was being "...spearheaded by Connecticut man name Jonathan Edwards. Edwards, whose father had study..."(53)
  • American Philosophical Society (APS)

    American Philosophical Society (APS)
    Benjamin Franklin created "a club for smart (White) people" (57) to discuss ideas and philosophy.
  • The (American) Enlightenment

    The (American) Enlightenment
    In the mid-1700's, "new America entered what we now call the Enlightenment Era" (56).
  • Phyllis Wheatley's Test

    Phyllis Wheatley's Test
    Wheatley "proved herself [as intelligent and] human" (60) by passing a test given by some of the smartest men in the country at the time
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    According to Jefferson "...slaves were taking matter into their own hands. They were running away from plantation all over the South by tens of thousands. (71)"
  • The Three Fifths Compromise

    The Three Fifths Compromise
    The number that is counted by "Every five slaves equaled three humans. So, just to do the math, that's like saying if there were fifteen slaves in the room, on paper, they counted as only nine people." (76-77)
  • The Haitian Revolution

    The Haitian Revolution
    According to slaves, "In August 1791, close to half a million enslaved Africans in Haiti rose up against French rule. It was a revolt like nothing anyone ever seen." (75)
  • (Possibly) North America's Biggest Uprising

    (Possibly) North America's Biggest Uprising
    There was "Hundreds of captives were suppose to march on Richmond, where they would steal four thousand unguarded muskets, arrest governor, and hold the city until other slaves arrived from surrounding counties to negotiate the end of slavery and establishment of equal rights."(80)
  • Jefferson's Slave Trade Act

    Jefferson's Slave Trade Act
    According to Jefferson, "...he bought about a New Slave Trade Act. The goal was to stop import of people from Africa and the Caribbean into America, and fine illegal slave traders." (82-83)
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise in 1820, "...admit Missouri as a slave state, but they'd admit Main was a free state to make sure there was an equal mount of slave states and free states, so that no region, or way of governing, felt disadvantaged." (89-90)
  • Thomas Jefferson's Death

    Thomas Jefferson's Death
    According to Thomas Jefferson, "By the spring of 1826, his health had deteriorated to the point that he couldn't leave home. By summer, he couldn't even leave his bed, so sick he was unable to attend the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence." (88)
  • Garrison's First Abolition Speech

    Garrison's First Abolition Speech
    According to Garrison, "He favored a gradual abolition-a freedom in step-but abolition nonetheless. And that's what he spoke about at the ACS conference, which, let's just say, was a little off brand. Garrison wasn't the only who felt this way (about abolishing slavery, not sneakers) and was unafraid to speak out against colonization." (95-99)
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Rebellion
    According to Nat Turner, "But the idea was challenged by a man who disagreed with no only the idea of gradual equality but also the idea Black people needed White people to save them, or that they-Black people-were part of the problem at all. His name was Nat Turner. He was a slave and a preacher, and just a slave owners before Enlightenment era believed slavery was a holy mission, Turner believed the same was true for freedom." (98)
  • AASS Abolitionist Pamphlets

    AASS Abolitionist Pamphlets
    Garrison was the one who "wrote a book that refuted colonizationists and gave birth to a new group called American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS), a group of abolitionists..." (99)
  • Free Black people are insane

    Free Black people are insane
    The Us Census reported that in "1840 said that free Blacks were insane and enslaved Black were sane, and biracial people had a shorter life span than white." (101)
  • Samuel Morton's Theories

    Samuel Morton's Theories
    Samuel Morton said, "Who knew? (The answer is no one. Not even Egyptians.) The propaganda just kept coming. Anything to justify supremacy and slavery." (101-102)
  • Frederick Douglass

    Frederick Douglass
    According to Frederick Douglass, "In June 1845, The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave was published. It outlined Douglass's life and gave a firsthand account of the horrors of slavery." (103)
  • Stowe's Story

    Stowe's Story
    According to Harriet Stowe Beecher, "And even though Black men hated the novel because they depicted as weak, Stowe's story was drawing more northerners to the abolitionist movement than the writings and speeches of Garrison and Douglass did in the 1850s." (112)
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    According to Uncle Tom's list it said, "1.Tom,a slave, is sold down the river. 2. He meets a young White girl, Eva. 3. Eva's father buys Tom. 4. Tom and Eva become friends connecting over Christianity. 5...." (105-106)
  • Stephen Douglas

    Stephen Douglas
    According to Stephen Douglass, "Got spanked in the Senate race in 1858 by a man names Stephen Douglas. Douglas was proslavery. Lincoln was flighting on behalf of the abolitionist movement -because you can't win if you don't have an opposing view to debate-and the Free Soilers, the people who believed slavery should not continue to extend west." (110)
  • Start of Civil War

    Start of Civil War
    In 1861 people found a place "Which means they were starting their own territory, where they could make up their own rules and live their lives as racist as they wanted. Shorty thereafter, the rest of the South joined in on the disjoining." (113-114)
  • Slave Act

    Slave Act
    According to the Slave Act, "But summer of 1862, The slave act has been repealed and a bill passed that declared all Confederate-owned Africans who escaped to Union lines or who resided in territories occupied by the Union to be "forever free of their servitude." (121)
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation
    According to Lincoln, "Lincoln was labeled the Great Emancipator, but really, Black people were emancipating themselves." (106)
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    According to Lincoln, "And when the Civil War finally ended in April 1856, on the eleventh day of that same month, Lincoln delivered his plans for reconstruction. And in that plan, he said what no president had ever said before him-that Blacks (the intelligent ones) should have the right to vote." (117)
  • End of Civil War

    End of Civil War
    Black people was happy that "When he was comfortable with, however, was the way Black people praised him. They'd run up to him in the street, drop to their knees, and kiss his hands." (123)
  • 40 Acres and a Mule

    40 Acres and a Mule
    According to Thaddeus Stevens, "Some people, like Pennsylvania congressman Thaddeus Stevens, even fought for the redistribution of land to award former slaves forty acres to work for themselves." (120)
  • William Lloyd

    William Lloyd
    William Lloyd had "...two bad falls in 1866 that physically sidelined him, He chose not to engage in the political struggle against racial discrimination. But he still looked on, watching the racist roadblocks being erected at the every turn, and the political and physical violence working to break the bone of Black liberation." (120,121)
  • Historically Black Colleges

    Historically Black Colleges
    According to Andrew Johnson did was "Their own spaces to thrive, like colleges, or as they're now called, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). From there came the Black (male) politician. And eventually, on February 3, 1870, the Fifteenth Amendment was made official." (128)
  • Freedom

    Black codes "That freedom is an actual destination. And that's how Garrison and the American Anti-Slavery Society felt. Like their jobs were done." (123)
  • The Fifteenth Amendment

    The Fifteenth Amendment
    According to Lincoln "... eventually, on February 3,1870, the Fifteenth Amendment was made official. The amendment mad it so that no one could prohibited from voting due to "race, color, or previous condition of servitude." (128-129)
  • Black Codes and Jim Crow

    Black Codes and Jim Crow
    According to Andrew Johnson"... he basically reversed a lot of Lincoln's promises, allowing Confederate states to bar Blacks from voting, and making sure their emancipation was upheld only if Black people didn't break laws. Black code-social codes used to stop Black people from living freely-were created. They would quickly evolve into Jim Crow laws, which were laws that legalized racial segregation." (119)