Stamped H Block--Steven

  • 1415

    Prince Henry's Caper

    Prince Henry's Caper
    The event takes place in Portugal and Morocco. Prince Henry convinces his father to have them capture the main Muslim trading depot to get riches and resources, and slaves. The reason for this is because Henry wanted to get richer and more powerful.
  • Period: 1415 to

    History Of Racism And Antiracism

  • 1450

    The Worldś First Racist

    The Worldś First Racist
    The event also takes place in Portugal, the writer Zurara decides on writing a book called The Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea. It is about life and slave trading and also about how the Portuguese being early in bringing enslaved Africans, and their terms were different and more unique than other countries. Zurara wrote this book to defend Black human ownership.
  • 1450

    ¨The Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea¨becomes known

    ¨The Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea¨becomes known
    The book becomes well known and spreads throughout the world. The book became an anthem, many people agreed with what Zurara wrote. This idea became the rule that countries stuck with or, changed a bit so that it was perfect for them.
  • 1450

    First Known African Racist

    First Known African Racist
    Zuraraś book convinced some African people that the book is right. A person named al-Hasan Ibn Muhammad al-Wazzan al-Fasi was captured and converted, his name was changed to Johannes Leo. Johannes stated all of the things written in the book, that Africans were savages and that they needed slavery to become proper.
  • 1577

    George Best makes the ¨Cursed" Theory and it branches into another idea

    George Best makes the ¨Cursed" Theory and it branches into another idea
    Two different theories were made, one was made a long time ago. The other theory that was made took place in Canada. Some people took notice of how the Inuit people were darker. A travel writer named George Best said that they were cursed, and that's why they were darker. Another idea was created saying that ¨Africans needed enslavement to save and make them civilized."
  • William Perkins creates a book named ¨Ordering a Familie¨

    William Perkins creates a book named ¨Ordering a Familie¨
    This event happens in the United Kingdom. William Perkins creates
    ¨Ordering a Familie¨ which he says in the book ¨the slave was just part of a loving family unit that was ordered a particular way. And that the souls and the potential of the souls were equal, but not the skin.¨ He is saying that even though this person is part of the family, they have to be treated differently than the others.
  • John Cotton and Richard Mather attempt to rebuild a new country

    John Cotton and Richard Mather attempt to rebuild a new country
    John and Richard land in America where they build churches. They also to find people who are like them and convince people to join them because their ¨ways are correct¨. The main reason why they went to a new land was that they didn't like the rules that England had. They wanted to have it their ¨way¨ and, heavily believed that if it was their ¨way¨ then they would save people.
  • Cotton Mather

    Cotton Mather
    Cotton Mather is the son of Increase and Maria. He became a Harvard student at 11 years old. He wrote more sermons than any other Puritan in history.
  • William Berkeley and white priviliges

    William Berkeley and white priviliges
    A man named Nathaniel Bacon tried to lead a rebellion because he was being taken advantage of by the upper classes. He tried to rebel by uniting the lower class whites and blacks to fight against the upper class. White privileges were created to prevent the lower class from rebelling against the upper class of whites, by enforcing the punishments and making them more severe.
  • Native American vs Puritans

    Native American vs Puritans
    Native American's lands are taken away by puritans, and it leads to a fight. In the end, it leads to many casualties on both sides, one of the more important ones is a man called Metacomet, a Native American war leader. The body was cut up by the Puritans, and the conflict was ended in 1676 after he died.
  • Group of Mennonites oppose slavery

    Group of Mennonites oppose slavery
    Mennonites start a petition called "Germantown Petition Against Slavery" and announced that oppression due to skin color is wrong. This is also the first piece of writing that is antiracist. Many Mennonites were killed for their beliefs, they were shut down by slaveholders.
  • Cotton writes a book during The Glorious Revolution

    Cotton writes a book during The Glorious Revolution
    Cotton Mather creates a new villain as a distraction by writing a book called Memorable Providences Related to Witchcrafts and possessions. It explains the symptoms of witchcraft, reflecting his crusade against the enemies of White souls. The revolution started when a minister named Samuel Parris had a daughter that had seizures and chokes, believed to be possessed. People were accused of witchcraft, the attention was turning away from political to religious.
  • Slaveholders make a new system for slaves

    Slaveholders make a new system for slaves
    Slaveholders made a new system because they feared that the slaves might revolt and rebel against them. They created rules like classifying a slave as livestock, slaves are tax imported.
  • Witchhunting ends

    Witchhunting ends
    Before the witchhunts ended, some people were being accused of witchcraft. Others accused people and said that the innocent Puritans were being preyed on by the devil. They said that the body was black and that it must be the devil's minions coming to prey on them. The Puritans thought the blacks were criminals. The witchhunt did die down and authorities apologized to the accused offering to reverse the convictions and make it up for them.
  • Benjamin Franklin starts club named "American Philosophical Society"

    Benjamin Franklin starts club named "American Philosophical Society"
    Benjamin Franklin created that club in 1743 in Philadelphia. The club was for smart (White) people such as thinkers or philosophers. The club was made to bring the smart people together to create new ideas. The club brought well known people such as Thomas Jefferson.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson had black "friends" that told him the horrors of slavery, so he decide to study law and antiracism. He eventually made his own plantation putting money over morals.
  • Thomas Jefferson's notes and declarations start a war

    Thomas Jefferson's notes and declarations start a war
    His notes include "All men are created equal." There were many questions to be asked. Thomas Jefferson wrote a declaration stating the ways Britain was abusing America, that they were trying to make "Whites" slaves. Thomas Jefferson also said that slavery was "cruel" even though he owns thousands of slaves. This was part of the reason why there was the Revolutionary War.
  • The Revolutionary War

    The Revolutionary War
    The war lasts for five years, the Americans against the British. One of the things that happened was the British were also looking for Thomas Jefferson, the spark that caused this war. During that he wrote a book "Notes on the state of Virginia", where he expresses his real thoughts.
  • Benjamin Rush states that slavery is bad

    Benjamin Rush states that slavery is bad
    Benjamin Rush makes a pamphlet stating that "Black people aren't born savages but instead were made savages by slavery." He also said that "Wheatley was intelligent because she had the opportunity to learn and wasn't tortured every day of her life."
  • Phillis Wheatley achievements

    Phillis Wheatley achievements
    Phillis Wheatley is the 2nd daughter of John Wheatley. The 1st daughter died so Phillis Wheatley was bought and became the replacement. Phillis was also not a working slave, instead was homeschooled. At 12 years she could read Greek and Latin classics, English literature, and the Bible. She also wrote many poems. One of her achievements, she proved that a black person could be as intelligent and literate as any other race. She also gave the people who believed in anti-racism.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    Almost half a million enslaved Africans in Haiti revolt against the French. It resulted in the Africans winning, and a lot of slaveowners worried about other slaves in their plantation revolting too.
  • Black slaves escape and become free

    Black slaves escape and become free
    Black slaves started to become free from the work they had to endure. Abolitionists sometimes help slaves get away. Some of them try to persuade the freed slaves to live like the white people.
  • One of the largest slave revolts failed to be executed

    One of the largest slave revolts failed to be executed
    The idea was to gather as many slaves, poor Whites, and Native Americans. To steal muskets and to take over and wait for reinforcements to help negotiate and end slavery. The plan was sold out, ruined when two slaves told their masters the plan to gain their favor.
  • Thomas Jefferson creates the Slave Trade Act

    Thomas Jefferson creates the Slave Trade Act
    The slave trade act was made to stop the import of people from Africa to America. It was also made to stop illegal slave traders. The act did nothing to stop slave trade, or domestic slavery. In conclusion the Slave Trade Act was pointless, because there wasn't any effort put in to enforce the act.
  • Thomas Jefferson passes away, and his final events

    Thomas Jefferson passes away, and his final events
    Thomas Jefferson, 83 years old his health detreating, he couldn't leave home at all. He woke up and called his house servants, gave them his final words. He was both a assimilationist, segregationist at some times, he knew slavery was wrong but he never freed the slaves. He saw them as friends but never saw them. He couldn't rewrite any of his ideas because they were already out there. His ideas and beliefs were irony. The last thing he saw was his bedroom, comfortable before he passed away.
  • William Lloyd Garrison and his changes to slavery

    William Lloyd Garrison and his changes to slavery
    William was smart, and forward thinker, he was also an editor of an abolitionist newspaper. He was asked to give ACS's (American Colonization Society) Fourth Of July Speech, he spoke about abolition. He was responsible for reviving the abolitionist movement, making it strong again. He also inspired people to do the same, making the grasp of slavery loosen up a bit.
  • William Lloyd Garrison's counterattack

    William Lloyd Garrison's counterattack
    William Lloyd's speeches beliefs were hated by many slaveowners, people that believed in slavery "tightened the yoke" William countered this by wrote a book and created a group titled "American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS), a group of abolitionists. Members rely on mass printing and postal service, to flood the market with abolitionist information. This was more of the effective attacks on slavery. (note this event is after he launches the newspaper)
  • William Lloyd Garrison launches new newspaper

    William Lloyd Garrison launches new newspaper
    Garrison also started a newspaper, named the Liberator. The paper relaunched the abolitionist movement. There he also changed people's perspectives from gradual to immediate abolition. He believe that freedom should be instant. He argued that physical freedom should be now, and social freedom eventually.
  • White politicians, scholars turning up their racist ideas

    White politicians, scholars turning up their racist ideas
    White politicians, scholars who were proslavery decided to turn up the fear and the hate of black Africans, by turning up their racist ideas. A scientist named Samuel Morton, who measured the skulls of humans. He concluded that White people had bigger skulls therefore they had greater intellectual capacity, they were smarter. Other racist ideas included the US Census reporting that enslaved, free blacks were sane and that they had shorter life spans.
  • Fredrick Douglass and the book that changed many lives

    Fredrick Douglass and the book that changed many lives
    Frederick Douglass was a "new Phillis Wheatley" He published The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. The book told Douglass's life and the horrors of slavery. It showed how he escaped his masters to the life of freedom. The book showed the true colors of the white people, it inspired many people. One being, an enslaved woman who created "The Narrative of Sojourner Truth"
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe writes "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

    Harriet Beecher Stowe writes "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
    Harriet Beecher writes a book titled "Uncle Tom's Cabin" which teaches an important lesson, a moral. The moral of the story teaches us that we are all slaves to god, docile Black people made the best slaves and whites made the worse slaves. This meant that Whites made the the worse Christians, that Whites used slavery as a brutal attack on Black humanity. It also showed that they broke the rules and it meant that they bad believers in Jesus.
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    Lincoln was more of an antislavery and not an antiracist. He became a politician, he lost to Stephen Douglas who was proslavery. His opinions, views on slavery made the loss not really that hurtful, there was a change in the opinions in the country. Lincoln believed slavery needed to be stopped, at the same time he needed money so that he could it to support his own life.
  • Abraham Lincoln, becomes the 16th president, an huge event that leads to the Union and the Confederacy being created

    Abraham Lincoln, becomes the 16th president, an huge event that leads to the Union and the Confederacy being created
    Lincoln was against Black voting, racial equality, and he and his party swore not to challenge southern slavery. Because of his beliefs, he won and became the sixteenth president. After he won, it caused alot of slaveholders to panic because they wouldn't be able to rely on the slaves to make money for them. It also meant that mostly the South lost land and resources. The Southern part decided to make their own territory, and make their own rules, they were called the "Confederacy"
  • Union and the Confederacy Part 2

    Union and the Confederacy Part 2
    There was many slaves from the South who escaped and was sent back because of the Fugitive Slave Act, this changed in the summer of 1862 where it has been repealed. A bill was passed so that Confederate-owned Africans who escaped to Union lines would be "forever free of their service" Lincoln also passed a more bold bill stating any people held as slaves would be released, and free. Because of these actions the war began in 1861, it only ended at 1865. The Union won, and Lincoln was shot later.
  • The Union and the Confederacy

    The Union and the Confederacy
    The South formed the Confederacy, while the north was the "Union" There was now 2 governments who wanted their own way. Union's president being Abraham Lincoln, and Confederacy's being a man named Jefferson Davis. Since there was a lot of disagreements with beliefs, this caused the Civil War, the war was a mess. Before the war actually started, there was a huge amount of slaves who wanted to become soldiers, because they wanted to fight and resolve the problem that that had been beating them.
  • Three weeks after Lincoln's death

    Three weeks after Lincoln's death
    Three weeks after Lincoln's death, William Lloyd resigned he called quits and left the group. The rest of his team continued pursuing the goal of abolishing slavery, they weren't going to give up. One of those people in the AASS was Andrew Johnson.
  • Andrew Johnson

    Andrew Johnson
    Andrew Johnson, he became the 17th president. He reversed a lot of Lincoln's promises. Some made sure that emancipation was upheld only if Black people didn't break laws. Many of the promises he made evolved into Jim Crow laws, it legalized segregation, allowed the Ku Klux Klan to wreck Black lives, and to enshrine racist code. He made freedom for the Black people, quicksand, he erased the hard work of others to help end slavery. (This event is after the retirement of William Lloyd Garrison)
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    In 1870 the fifteen amendment was created so that anybody wouldn't be prohibited from voting, especially Black people. The amendment was passed, many people especially AASS thought it they reached their goal, and succeeded. It still went on, white terrorism, hurtful propaganda about brute and savage Blacks, it wasn't over yet.