Special Education Historical Timeline

  • Mills v. The Board of Education of the District of Columbia (1972)

    A case brought on behalf of 7 students living in Washington DC. These students with disabilities had been excluded from their public school and denied educational services. Many elements of this court case set the foundation for IDEA.
  • Luke S. and Hans S. v. Nixe et al. (Louisiana)

    This case took place in Louisiana and it successfully implemented radically different assessment practices which mandated pre-referral intervention, curriculum-based assessment, state-wide in-service training for assessment personnel, and direct classroom intervention on the part of assessment personnel. So, with these new practices in effect, long “waiting lists” for evaluation were eliminated, assessment personnel are able to more accurately and efficiently evaluate
  • K.R. v. Anderson Community School Corp.

    This case decided that a student with severe disabilities was not entitled to a publicly funded personal assistant while attending a parochial school. So, students with disabilities who choose to attend religious/private school need not receive the full range of services they would receive if they attended public school, but they must receive some services.