Spanish American War Timeline

  • USS Maine Sinks!

    USS Maine Sinks!
    -The USS Maine was anchored down in Havana harbor and suddenly blown up.
    -This killed 260 men on bored and sank the ship.
  • Mckinley asks for declaration of War with Spain

    -After the USS Maine ship being blown up, people suspected it was Spain. This is when the US decides to do something about it.
  • U.S. troops land in Cuba

    U.S. troops show up to battle spain
  • The Battle of San Juan Hill

    The Battle of San Juan Hill
    -A superior U.S. naval force arrived and blockaded the harbor entrance.
  • Battle of Santiago de Cuba

    Battle of Santiago de Cuba
    -Naval Battle in which the US won
    -323 people died in the war
  • Spanish surrender at Santiago

    Spanish surrender at Santiago
    -Everyone in the war wanted it to end quickly.
  • U.S. and Spain sign the Protocol of Peace

    ended hostilities between the two
  • The Treaty of Paris is signed

    This is the peace treaty to end conflict between The U.S. and Spain.