Spaceship Timeline

  • The First Spaceship to Carry Living Beings Into Space That Survived

    The Soviet Union launched Sputnik 5 into space with a dogs name Strelka and Belka. These dogs became the first living beings to survive a trip to space.
  • The First Human to go to space

    The First Human to go to space
    The Soviet Union launched Vostok 1 with Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on it and he became the human to go into space.
  • John F. Kennedy's Speech

    John F. Kennedy's Speech
    President Kennedy challenged the country to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. He also asked for $7 billion to $9 billion to be donated to NASA.
  • First Pictures of Mars

    The spaceship Mariner 4 transmitted the first pictures of Mars.
  • First Spaceship that Landed Humans on the Moon

    Apollo 11 was launched with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on it. Apollo 11 was launched at Kennedy Space Center in Merritt Beach, Florida.
  • U.S. First Space Station

    U.S. First Space Station
    The U.S. launched its first space station, Skylab. Skylab eventually crashed into the Indian Ocean in 1978.
  • George W. Bush's Speech

    George W. Bush's Speech
    President George W. Bush advocates space exploration missions to the moon and Mars for NASA in his Vision for Space Exploration speech
  • Period: to

    New Horizons

    New Horizons was a space probe that left Earth to explore Pluto and its surroundings. New Horizons sent back groundbreaking pictures of Pluto on July 14th, 2015. NASA has decided that since the probe found so much information they will keep using it.