Esa space exploration

Transfer Task For Sci. Part 1

  • 310

    Aristarchus (about 310 - 230 BCE)

    Aristarchus (about 310 - 230 BCE)
    Aristarchus proposed the heliocentric modle, but it was not commonly excepted in his time. He also tryed to measure the distance to the Moon and the Sun. This was a major help for scince, although his measurements where WAY too small.
  • Sep 1, 1100

    Potolemy (100-170 BC)

    Potolemy (100-170 BC)
    Potolemy develeped a geocentric model of the solar system that was used for the next 14 centuries. He thought that stars and planets travel in a cicular pattern at the same speed. Also, he thought that planets orbit on their own circle, while orbiting on bigger circles.
  • Jun 1, 1473

    Copernicus (1473-1543)

    Copernicus (1473-1543)
    Copernicus felt that Ptolemy"s geocentric model was too in depth. His and Ptolmey's models where alike aside from that his was heliocentric and Ptolemy's model was geocentric. His model was the first step towards the modern models of the solar system.
  • Jun 1, 1564

    Galileo (1564-1642)

    Galileo (1564-1642)
    Galileo used a powerful teliscope to view objects in outer space. He also observed the moons of Jupiter, Io, Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede. These moons are now known as Galilean satellites. He also observed that the Moon and Venus have similar phases. One last thing is that he observed that Earth is not the only planet that is orbited, . With this , he supported the heliocentric modle.
  • Jun 4, 1571

    Kelpler (1571-1630)

    Kelpler (1571-1630)
    Kelpler found out that an ovel shape ellipses fit best for the planetary orbits. Kelpler also made Kelpler's laws. The first law says that a planet orbits the sun at one focus. The second law says that when the planets get closer to the Sun they move faster in there orbit. The therd law tells us that the distance of a planet from the Sun to the time it taked to have one orbit.
  • Heliocentric modle of the solar system (16th - 17th Century)

    Heliocentric modle of the solar system (16th - 17th Century)
    The Heliocentric modle has the Sun in the middle of the solar system. This means that all the planets orbited the Sun, but in the Geocentric modle, all the planets orbit the Earth. In the bigining this modle was not widly exsepted.
  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    The Soviet Union was the first to lanch an artifishal satilight.
  • Explorer 1

    Explorer 1
    For the U.S.A the Explorer 1 is the first artifishal satilight lanched.
  • Yuri A. Gagarin

    Yuri A. Gagarin
    On April 12,1961, Soviet Air Force Pilot, Yuri Gagarin borded Vostok 1 and was in orbit for 108 minutes around Earth.
  • Project Mercury and Gemini 1961-1966

     Project Mercury and Gemini  1961-1966
    Project Mercury and Gemini where focased on lanching and develiping shuttels ready for the moon.
  • Jhon Glenn Jr.

    Jhon Glenn Jr.
    Jhon Glenn Jr. was the first american astronaut to orbit the Earth. He did 3 orbits in less then 5 hours.
  • Jhon F. Kennedy

    Jhon F. Kennedy
    president Jhon F. Kennedy was committed to succssesfully put a man on the Moon and have him retern saftly to Earth. This helped alot with the advances in our space programs.
  • Valentina Tereshkova

    Valentina Tereshkova
    Valentina was a Solvit Union astronaut and the first women it orbit the Earth. She did 48 orbits in 3 days.
  • Alexei A. Lenov

    Alexei A. Lenov
    Alexei was the first Soviet Union astronaut to walk on the moon.
  • Edward H. White

    Edward H. White
    However, Edward White was the first american astronaut to walk on the moon.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    The Apollo mision took Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, and Michael Collins to the Moon.
  • Salyut 1

    Salyut 1
    The Soveit Union langhts the worlds first space station . The Salyut 1's first crew arrived on the Soyvz 1, and was onbord for 24 days.
  • Viking 2

    Viking 2
    Viking 2 landed on Mars in 1976. The rover took more than 16,000 pictures of the landscape of Mars. Sadly, it stoped working in 1978.
  • Mars Sujourner

    Mars Sujourner
    Mars Sujourner used x-rays to look at the surrface of Mars in 1996. In the picture you see the real Sujourner, Mars's serface and the ramp the rover went down.
  • Mars Exploration Rovers: Spirit and Opportunity

    Mars Exploration Rovers: Spirit and Opportunity
    These rovers explored oposet sides of Mars and collected samples of the terane on Mars.
  • Aristotle (384-322 BCE)

    Aristotle (384-322 BCE)
    Aristotle used the geocentric model of the solar system. He also thought that if the Earth orbitid around the Sun than the positions of the stars would change.
  • Geocentric modle of the solar system

    Geocentric modle of the solar system
    The Geocentric modle has the Earth as the center of the solar system. This modle was the first to be used in astronomy.