Space exploration time line 1608 to present day

By ss20429
  • Invention of the first teliscope

    Invention of the first teliscope
    Galileo Galilei was the first person to see the moon throw a telescope. He was also the one how made it.
  • First liquid rocket made

    First  liquid rocket made
    Johannes Winkler made the first liquid-fueled rocket and tested it in Dessau, Germany.
  • The first animals in space

    The first animals in space
    The U.S. was the first nation to launch animals up into space. The first animals up in space were fruit flys.
  • First animal launched into orbit

    First animal launched into orbit
    On November 3rd Laika a dog was sent into orbit around earth by Rusia. It did not survive.
  • The first picture of the moon

    The first picture of the moon
    The U.S. was the first to take a picture of the moon.
  • The first hominidae in space

    The first hominidae in space
    The U.S. We're the first people to get a Hominidae in space and it did tasks in space.
  • First soil sample of another world

    First soil sample of another world
    USSR was the first nation to get soil samples and sound recording from Venus. They were also the first to get soil samples from a different world.
  • First mission going into a gas giant

    First mission going into a gas giant
    U.S. was the first nation to launch a mission into the atmosphere of a gas giant. The gas giant was called Jupiter.
  • First food grown in space

    First food grown in space
    U.S. and Japan were the first people to grow Lettuce in space and eat it.