Short History of Nearly Everything

By smfrits
  • Discovery of Bacteria

    Discovery of Bacteria
    Discovered by Antoni van Leeuwenboek
  • First accurate thermometer

    First accurate thermometer
    Measurements were in Farenheit, as the thermometer was created by Daniel Gabriel Farenheit
  • Degrees Celsius

    Degrees Celsius
    Temperature measurements converted to celsius by Anders Celsius
  • Naming of Cloud Types

    Naming of Cloud Types
    Luke Howard "Father of Meteorology", gave names to the different cloud types
  • First look at a cell's neucleus

    First look at a cell's neucleus
    Robert Brown was the first to catch a view of a cell neucleus
  • Karl Schimper coined the term 'Ice Age'

    Karl Schimper coined the term 'Ice Age'
    Ice Age: period when large areas of Earth were covered in glaciers
  • First Neadertal discovered

    First Neadertal discovered
    Had shorter legs and wider body frame compared to homo sapiens
  • Darwin's Theory

    Darwin's Theory
    Alfred Wallace and Darwin created the "Darwin Theory" which is the theory of natural selection as a cause of evolution.
  • Homo Erectus

    Homo Erectus
    Discovered by Dubois
  • X-Ray

    X-Ray developed by Wilhelp Roentgen
  • Electron

    Discovered by J.J. Thomson, negative charged particle that orbits in an atom
  • Troposhpere

    Discovered by Leon-Philippe Teisserone de Bort after a trip on a hot air balloon.
  • Theory of Reltivity

    Theory of Reltivity
    Theory developed by Einstein. Responsible for the equation E = mc2
  • First Particle Detector

    First Particle Detector
    Created by C.T.R. Wilson. Helps detect high energy particles such as those with radiation.
  • Gene

    Term gene was introduced and coined, but was not ever used by Mendel who was the biggest scientist behind discoveries in genetics
  • Neutron

    Uncharged part of an atom discovered by James Chadwick
  • Invention of the Electron Microscope

    Invention of the Electron Microscope
  • Atomic Bombs

    Atomic Bombs
    Creation of atomic bombs that were later dropped over Japan during WWII
  • Penicillin

    Found to be effective against many diseases and was effectively used.
  • DNA Structure

    DNA Structure
    Double helixed structure discovered by James Watson and Francis Crick
  • Extremophiles

    Discovered by Thomas and Louise Brock. Extremophiles are microbes that can withstand extreme conditions like heat, cold, sulfer oxide, etc. Were first found in a geyser at Yellowstone
  • Big Bang Theory

    Big Bang Theory
    Accepted finally as the explanatioan for the creation of the universe.
  • Mass Volcanic Grave

    Mass Volcanic Grave
    Grave full of fossilized animals found in Nebraska. Grave was caused by the ash of a volcanic explosion.
  • Buldge at Yellowstone

    Buldge at Yellowstone
    Buldge indicated the supervolcano beneath Yellowstone National Park is still active, contrary to prior belief.
  • Earliet ancestor of mankind found

    Earliet ancestor of mankind found
    Named it Lucy
  • Chemosynthesis

    Discovery of living systems that use chemosynthesis rather than photosynthesis. As these living systems lived in the depths of the ocean and were never exposed to sunlight.
  • Universe's Edge Discivered

    Universe's Edge Discivered
    Leftover radiation from the Big Bang led to the discovery of the universe's edge by Arno Allan Penzilas and Robert Wilson
  • Removal of Lead from Gasoline

    Removal of Lead from Gasoline
    After the harmful effects of lead were realized the efforts of Clair Patterson contributed to the final removal of lead from gasoline
  • Hubble Telescope

    Hubble Telescope
    Launched in honor of Edwin Hubble
  • First spotted asteroid

    First spotted asteroid
    Was named 1991 BA, spotted near Venus
  • Yellowstone Volcanic Observatory

    Yellowstone Volcanic Observatory
    Opened to maintain watch over Yellowstone National Parks's supervolcano and research other world volcanoes.
  • Age of Earth Determined

    Age of Earth Determined
    A NASA satellite was used to determine the offical age of the Earth at 13.7 billion years old