Ilts science chemistry test 119059 large

Time Line Project Chemistry Class (Jessica Pérez)

By Jemin
  • 465 BCE


    During his time Democritus came with the idea of the atoms. According to Democritus:
    1.All matter consists of invisible particles called atoms.
    2. Atoms are indestructible.
    3. Atoms are solid but invisible.
    4. Atoms are homogenous.
    5. Atoms differ in size, shape, mass, position, and arrangement.
    6.Solids are made of small, pointy atoms.
    7.Liquids are made of large, round atoms.
    8.Oils are made of very fine, small atoms that can easily slip past each other.
  • 462 BCE

    Equality betwwen Plebeians and Patricians (international date)

    Equality betwwen Plebeians and Patricians (international date)
    Plebeians began to ask and to fight for equality in rights for both social levels.
  • 400 BCE

    Culture and Art (national date)

    Culture and Art (national date)
    In 400 B.C., the Gulf Coast states of Veracruz and Tabasco in Mexico were the setting for a major cultural and artistic florescence
  • 320 BCE

    Alejandro Magno (international date)

    Alejandro Magno (international date)
    He was a student of Aristotle and he was also Macedonia´s King
  • 318 BCE


    Aristotle beliefs about the composition of matter was that everything was made up of the four elements: earth, fire, wind, and water. (The date is an estimate.)
  • 300 BCE

    Olmec Culture (national date)

    Olmec Culture (national date)
    In the year 300b.c.e olmec culture disappeared
  • Eroica (international date)

    Eroica (international date)
    Eroica was Beethoven's third symphony
  • John Dalton's Atomic Model

    John Dalton's Atomic Model
    John Dalton confirmed Democritus' theory about atoms with some important modifications:
    1) All matter is made of atoms. Atoms are indivisible and indestructible.
    2) All atoms of a given element are identical in mass and properties
    3) Compounds are formed by a combination of two or more different kinds of atoms.
    4) A chemical reaction is a rearrangement of atoms.
  • Putsh in New Spain (national date)

    Putsh in New Spain (national date)
    In July of 1808 Fernando VII and the king Carlos IV abdicated the throne in favor of Napoleon Bonaparte. This event made people in Spain to decide between accepting the independence of New Spain or to accept that the enemy conquered them. Pople in New Spain taking advantage of the situation made an uprising against the viceroy to remove him from the power. This showed the transformation people in New Spain was having, and people who fought later on the Independence got inspired by this event.
  • Dobereiner Triads

    Dobereiner Triads
    Dobereiner was the first scientist who tried to agroup the different elements. He founded a pattern that repeated in groups of three elemets. However there were big irregulatities in his theory. Just a few element followed the triads' pattern
  • "Don't give up" (national date)

    "Don't give up" (national date)
    In Zitácuaro, Ignacio López Rayón asks to the defenders that remain at the Coporo's forte to don't give up
  • Manuel Piar (international date)

    Manuel Piar (international date)
    In 1817, Manuela Piar who was a venezuelan militar considered a hero of the Venezuelan Independence was defeated in Angostura's battle
  • Newland's Octaves

    Newland's Octaves
    John Newland notted a pattern in the structure of elements, his observations contibuted significantly to the periodic table. He arranged the known atoms by their atomic weight. Every eight element in the grouping shared a resemblance, similar to the one on piano's octaves.
  • Rusia surrenders (international date)

    Rusia surrenders (international date)
    In 1864 Rusia surrender against Prusia (a German kingdom) and Austria
  • France vs. Mexico (national date)

    France vs. Mexico (national date)
    In Tabasco the french troups are defeated and expelled by the mexican troups.
  • Mendeleev's periodic table

    Mendeleev's periodic table
    Mendeleev arranged the atoms by their atomic masses from lest to greatest getting and almost precise periodic table. However there were some irrgulatities.
  • Free and Sovereign State (national date)

    Free and Sovereign State (national date)
    In Mexico, the Free and Sovereign State
  • Constituent Courts (international date)

    Constituent Courts (international date)
    In Spain, the Constituent Courts were inaugrated after the overthrow of Isabel II
  • Thomson's Atomic Model

    Thomson's Atomic Model
    Thomson led to the Discovery of the electron while he was making expermients with cathodic rays (the date is when he discovered, but he proposed the atomic model en 1904).
  • Attempt against Porfirio Díaz (national date)

    Attempt against Porfirio Díaz (national date)
    During te celebration of the eighty-seventh celebration of the Independance there was an attempt against Porfirio Díaz
  • Solomon August Andrée (international date)

    Solomon August Andrée (international date)
    Solomon August Andrée's expedition to the North Pole reaches White Island
  • Henri Becquerel and Radioactivity

    Henri Becquerel and Radioactivity
    Henri won a Nobel Price in 1903 because of his discoveries on radioactivity, he shared his award with Marie and Pierre Curie
  • Pierre, Marie Curie, and Radioactivity

    Pierre, Marie Curie, and Radioactivity
    Pierre and Marie are known for being pioneers in the work of studying radiation which led them to the Discovery of the elements radium and polonium in 1898. Among with Hneri Becquerel they won a Nobel Prize in 1913 beacuse of their discoveries.
  • Ford (international date)

    Ford (international date)
    In Detroit, Henry Ford inaugurates the movil Enterprise Ford Motor Company
  • Diocese of Huajuapan de León (national date)

    Diocese of Huajuapan de León (national date)
    Pope Pio X inaugurates the
    Diocese of Huajuapan de León
  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein
    In 1905 Albert Einstein wrote four projects that in the actuallity are cosidered fundamental in new physics which are:
    1.Brownian motion
    2.Photoelectric effect
    3.Theory of special relativity
    4.Mass-energy equivalence.
  • Mexican General Hospital (national date)

    Mexican General Hospital (national date)
    Mexican General Hospital got inaugurated with four basic specialties
  • Theodore Roosevelt (international date)

    Theodore Roosevelt (international date)
    In the United States, Republican Theodore Roosevelt swears in as president for a second term.
  • Rutherford's atomic model

    Rutherford's atomic model
    Rutherford discovered the nuclues and the neutrons and protons while he and his students were testing the atomic model proposed by Thomson
  • Mona Lisa's theft (interational date)

    Mona Lisa's theft (interational date)
    The Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre Museum while the museum was closed for cleaning. A few years later they recovered the Paint and arrested Vincenzo Peruggia
  • Guerrero Earthquake (national date)

    Guerrero Earthquake (national date)
    The 1911 Guerrero earthquake occurred near the coast of Guerrero along the Mexican subduction zone. The death toll was placed at 28.
  • Bohr's atomic model

    Bohr's atomic model
    Bohr discovereded the electron's orbits around the nucleus and the energy levels
  • Mexican Revolution: Second stage (national date)

    Mexican Revolution: Second stage (national date)
    In 1913 it was when the second stage of the mexican revolution began, this was becuase the fightings and the casualties increased in number
  • Moseley's Periodic Table

    Moseley's Periodic Table
    Moseley proposed a new arrangement for the periodic table which was to order the atoms by their atomic number, and not by their atomic mass (which was what Mendeleev thought) form least to greatest. It ha d a perfect match
  • New York Grand Central Terminal (international date)

    New York Grand Central Terminal (international date)
    In New York it was founded the Grand Central Terminal, the biggest railway station
  • "Decena Trágica" (national date)

    "Decena Trágica" (national date)
    It beggins the armed movement known as the "decena trágica" with the purpose of expelling Francisco I. Madero from the power.
  • Stainless steel (inernational date)

    Stainless steel (inernational date)
    The combination of materials that would become known as "stainless Steel" was cast for the first time, by British metallurgist Harry Brearley
  • Max Planck

    Max Planck
    Max Planck won a Nobel Price in 1918 becuase he was known as the founder of the quantic theory. His discoveries led to the Discovery of a new field in physics (quantum mechanics), and they also set the foundations for new investigations in new fields like the atomic energy.
  • The Royal Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso. (international date)

    The Royal Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso. (international date)
    In Segovia Spain the Royal Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso was burned, and numerous art pieces were destroyed in the fire.
  • Mexican Workers Regional Confederation (national date)

    Mexican Workers Regional Confederation (national date)
    In Saltillo, worker representatives founded the
    Mexican Workers Regional Confederation, it was the first agrupation of workers at a national level
  • Heisenberg quantic theory

    Heisenberg quantic theory
    In 1932 Heisenberg won the Nobel Price fr the quantic theory whic was an equiation that explained "electron's behavior" at the same time that Heisenberg stated thats it's imposible to know the exact location at an exact momento of an atom
  • Honduras (international date)

    Honduras (international date)
    The Dutch governement stated the martial law to suppres the revolt made by the banana workers that were fired by the american Company "United Fruit"
  • Jalisco's earthquake (national date)

    Jalisco's earthquake (national date)
    In 1932 an eartquake of 8.1 to 8.4 shaked Colima and Jaisco causing thousand of casualties