Romeo and Juliet: Act 1

  • Scene 1: Capulet servants are in the streets

    Scene 1: Capulet servants are in the streets
    The two servants, Gregory and Sampson, are talking about the Montagues behind their backs.
  • Montague servants show up

    Montague servants show up
    All of a sudden, some Montague servants, named Abraham and Balthasar, show up and they begin trash talking the Capulet servants, face to face.
  • More people show up to the scene, in the streets of Verona

    More people show up to the scene, in the streets of Verona
    Tybalt, a Capulet known to get very angry and often lead fighting against the Montagues, shows up, along with Lady Montague and Montague (the heads of the Montague household), and Lady Capulet and Capulet (the heads of the Capulet household), and the two groups begin to fight each other in the streets.
  • Fight gets broken up

    Fight gets broken up
    The prince shows up, extremely fed up with all of the constant fighting, and breaks up the fight. He threatens to kill anyone caught fighting in the streets.
  • Benvolio talks to Romeo

    Benvolio talks to Romeo
    Benvolio goes and sees his cousin, Romeo and finds out that he’s in love with a woman, named Rosaline, whom he can’t marry because she is going to be a nun. Romeo is extremely upset.
  • Scene 2: Paris asks for permission to marry Juliet

    Scene 2: Paris asks for permission to marry Juliet
    Paris asks Capulet for permission to marry his daughter, Juliet, but Capulet decides that Juliet should be able to choose if she wants to marry him or not.
  • Benvolio makes a suggestion to Romeo

    Benvolio makes a suggestion to Romeo
    Benvolio suggests that he and Romeo should go to a party that he heard about to get his mind off of his love problems. Romeo agrees to sneak into a the party, held by the Capulets, only due to the fact that he may be able to see Rosaline there
  • Scene 3: Lady Capulet tells Juliet the "good news"

    Scene 3: Lady Capulet tells Juliet the "good news"
    Lady Capulet comes in, along with the Nurse to tell her daughter, Juliet about how Paris wants to marry her and she tries to convince Juliet that she should marry Paris. Juliet is unimpressed by this idea, but she keeps an open mind. At this point, Lady Capulet suggests that she should check him out at the party, which was happening that evening at their house.