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Romeo and Juliet

  • Jul 16, 1303

    Benvolio and Tybalt Fight

    Benvolio and Tybalt Fight
    Tybalt and Benvolio disturb the peace of the town again when they begin to fight. When the Prince finds out, he decrees that anyone caught fighting will be killed.
  • Jul 16, 1303

    Benvolio Talks to Romeo

    Benvolio Talks to Romeo
    Benvolio talks to Romeo, and finds out that Romeo is "heartbroken" because Rosaline doesn't love him and she will become a nun.
  • Jul 16, 1303

    Paris asks for Juliet's hand

    Paris asks for Juliet's hand
    Paris asks Lord Capulet for his daughter's (Juliet) hand in marriage. Lord Capulet says to wait for two years, and Juliet has to be willing to marry Paris.
  • Jul 16, 1303

    Plans are made to go to the Party

    Plans are made to go to the Party
    After a servant of the Capulets' asks Romeo and Benvolio to read the invitation list to him, Benvolio convinces Romeo to go the party because Rosaline will be there.
  • Jul 16, 1303

    The Party

    The Party
    At the party, Romeo sees Juliet. He instantly falls in love with her. He kisses her twice and then leaves. Juliet asks the Nurse to find out who Romeo is. When the Nurse tells Juliet it is one of their rivals, Juliet is unhappy because she loves Romeo.
  • Jul 16, 1303

    Romeo goes to Juliet

    Romeo goes to Juliet
    After the party, instead of going home, Romeo goes to Juliet. Juliet doesn't see him and starts to talk about him. Romeo steps out of the shadows and they exchange vows of love. They plan to get married the next day.
  • Period: Jul 16, 1303 to Jul 20, 1303

    The Story of Romeo and Juliet

  • Jul 17, 1303

    Romeo goes to Friar Laurence

    Romeo goes to Friar Laurence
    Romeo goes to Friar Lawrence to ask him to marry him (Romeo) to Juliet. The Friar agrees because he thinks it will help stop the feud between the Capulets and Montagues.
  • Jul 17, 1303

    Romeo and Juliet are married

    Romeo and Juliet are married
    Romeo and Juliet are married in Friar Laurence's cell.
  • Jul 17, 1303

    Tybalt dies

    Tybalt dies
    Romeo kills Tybalt in revenge for Mercutio's death. When the Prince finds out, he banishes Romeo, instead of sentencing him to death.
  • Jul 17, 1303

    Mercutio dies

    Mercutio dies
    Tybalt challenges Romeo to a duel. Romeo doesn't want to fight because he and Tybalt are related now. Mercutio fights Tybalt instead. Romeo trys to break up the fight, but Tybalt stabs Mercutio under Romeo's arm. Mercutio dies.
  • Jul 18, 1303

    Juliet "Dies"

    Juliet "Dies"
    Juliet takes the potion that the Friar gave to her. It seems like she is dead. This is so that she doesn't have to marry Paris. Only her and the Friar know of the plan, so it is a shock to everyone else.
  • Jul 18, 1303

    Juliet goes to Friar Laurence

    Juliet goes to Friar Laurence
    Juliet goes to Friar Lawrence because she finds out that she is to marry Paris in three days. The Friar comes up with a plan to make sure Juliet doesn't have to marry Paris.
  • Jul 19, 1303

    Romeo hears of Juliet's "Death"

    Romeo hears of Juliet's "Death"
    Romeo hears of Juliet's death from one of his servants. Romeo goes to an apothecary and buys a potion that will kill him. He goes back to Verona to see Juliet for the last time. He was supposed to get a letter from Friar Laurence telling him of the plan, but that letter was not delivered. The person that was supposed to bring the letter to Romeo couldn't because he was thought to have the plague.
  • Jul 20, 1303

    Paris dies

    Paris dies
    Paris goes to see Juliet in the tomb. Romeo comes and fights Paris, who thinks Romeo has come to harm the dead (Juliet and Tybalt). Romeo kills Paris.
  • Jul 20, 1303

    Romeo dies

    Romeo dies
    Romeo kisses Juliet, drinks the poison, and dies next to Juliet.
  • Jul 20, 1303

    Juliet dies

    Juliet dies
    Seconds after Romeo dies, Juliet wakes up. Friar Laurence is there and tells Juliet to come with him. The Friar leaves in panic because he hears something. Juliet kisses Romeo to see if there is any poison left. There isn't any, so she takes Romeo's dagger and stabs herself. She dies.
  • Jul 20, 1303

    The End

    The End
    The Friar comes back and sees what they have done. The Prince arrives and asks the Friar what happened. The Friar tells and the Capulets and the Montagues make up. They will each make a statue to remember Romeo and Juliet. Lord Capulet will make a statue of Romeo, and the Montagues will make a statue of Juliet.