Roman Timeline

By plane_
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    Carthage attacks Sicily, 480 BC

    In 480 BC the Carthagians led an attack on Sicily.
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    Twelve Tables created, 450 BC

    The Twelve Tables were created in 450 BC. The Twelve Tables is a Roman code of law known as the first.
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    Ptolemy II Philadelphus, 285 BC

    285 BC
    When he came to power he celebrated his power by holding a festival. His festival is an example of how rich and powerful the Ptolmeic kings were.
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    First Punic War, 264 BC

    First Punic War, 264 BC
    The first Punic War was between Carthage and Rome.
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    The Battle of Cannae, 216 BC

    The Battle of Cannae, 216 BC
    216 BC
    The Battle of Cannae was a major battle of the Second Punic War. In this particular battle the army of Carthage defeated the larger Roman Republic army.
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    Third Punic War ends, 146 BC

    The third Punic War ended in 146 BC and at this point Rome had completley conquered the last of the cilvilized world. The biggest authority figure during this time was Polybius.
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    Caesar comes to power, 69 BC

    Caesar comes to power, 69 BC
    In 69 BC, Julius Cesear is elected to become the leader of Rome. He was known to build very large enertainment sites.
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    The Second Triumverate, 43 BC

    Octavian and Antony formed the Second Triumverate. They split the Roman empire into two different sections. Antony had control over the east and Octavian had control over the west.
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    Cleopatra and Antony commit suicide, 30 BC

    Cleopatra and Antony commit suicide, 30 BC
    If their relationship would have been different and if Antony would have become the only ruler of Rome the world now would be very different. They chose to die together because Roman troops surrounded them in Alexandria.
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    Atilla the Hun, 48 AD

    The Huns are a nomadic group that came into Europe who threw off the Roman Empire, which eventually led to the destruction of it.
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    The Romans Destroy Temple of Jerusalem, 70 AD

    Romans surrounded the city and began ransacking it. They destroyed and burned the temple because it was seen as the center of Judaism, which the Romans did not agree with.
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    Destruction of Pompeii, 79 AD

    Destruction of Pompeii, 79 AD
    In 79 AD, Mount Vesuvius erupted molten ash and sulfuric gas throughout the surrounding cities. The city of Pompeii was completley buried and undiscovered until about 1700 years later when excavations started.
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    Constaniople legalizes Christianity, 341 AD

    Constaniople finally allowed Christianity in the Eastern Empire of Rome in 341 AD. This was a big success for Christians during this time.
  • The First Triumverate, 60 BC

    Pompey, Crassus, and Cesear were the ones who formed the First Triumverate.
  • The Frist Triumverate Splits, 56 BC

    The First Triumverate splits in 56 BC because they are all physically torn apart in three different places and it caused too many problems.