Rome 2

Ancient Rome

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    First Punic War

    264-241 BC
    This is the first of three wars between the Romans and the Carthaginian (Punic) Empire. This was was fought to establish control over the islands of Corsica and Sicily.The war ended in 241 BC when 200 Roman warships entered the sea around the islands. A year later, Carthage surrendered, giving Sicily and the Lipari Islands to Rome.
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    Second Punic War

    218-201 BC
    The Second Punic War is a ontinuation of war between the Roman Empire and the Punic empire over the western Mediterranean. Under the leadership of Hamilcar Barca, Hannibal, and Hasdrubal, Carthage had a new base in Spain, which is why they decided to restart the war against Rome.
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    Third Punic War
    149-146 BC
    When the Third Punic War war ended, Rome had completely ocnquered the last of the civilized world.
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    The First Triumvirate

    The First Triumvirate
    60 BC
    This marks the beginning of the First Triumvirate, consisting of Pompey the Great, Crassus, and Julius Caesar.
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    The Rise of Julius Caesar

    The Rise of Julius Caesar
    59 BC
    Caesar manipulated his way into Roman government in 59 BC. He was named governor of present-day France, and he started becoming more popular amog the people. The popularity became a threat to the Senate and to Pompey, so they asked him to resign and get rid of his army.
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    Death of Julius Caesar

    Death of Julius Caesar
    44 BC
    Many people were involved in the death of Julius Caesar, and many were members of the Senate. One by one, several members of the Senate took turns stabbing him. One of the stabbers was his onw friend, Brutus. This is where Shakespear's famous words "Et tu Brute?" came from, as it means "and you Brute?"
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    The Second Triumvirate

    The Second Triumvirate
    43 BC
    The beginning of the Second Triumvirate was in 43 BC, and it consisted of Marc Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian.
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    Augustus Caesar

    Augustus Caesar
    31 BC - 14 AD
    Augustus Caesar was the adopted son of Julius Caesar. During his reign, he formed an alliance with Marc Antony, and over the next few years, they defeated their Roman enemies, and sent whoever survived to Greece. After that, the empire was theirs; Rome went to Augustus, and Egypt went to Antony.
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    The Burning of Rome
    64 AD
    On the night of July 18, 64, fire broke out in the city of Rome. This fire spread quickly and lasted for 6 days and 7 nights. Rumors of Emperor Nero ordering the torching of the city began to spread like wildfire (pun intended). Sadly, these rumors have never been confirmed
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    Romans Conquer Northern England

    74 AD
    After ten years , Vespasian ordered conquests in Britain. Romans campaigned against Venutius, rebel leader of England, and defeated him.
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    Construction of Hadrian's Wall

    122 AD
    Hadrian's Wall is a defensive frontier work in northern England. Running from coast to coast, the wall is 73 miles long. This wall marked the northern boundary of the Roman Empire in England at the time. It is also thought of to protect from immigration, smuggling, and to keep the indigenous people north of the wall.
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    The Antonine Plague

    165 AD
    This plague aline changed the Ancient World. The spread of the epidemic occurred mainly because of the Parthian War (in Mesopotamia) and the wars against the Marcomanni (in northeastern Italy). There is little description of this epidemic, but many reports lead us to believe that the Antonine plague was caused by smallpox.
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    Fall of the Roman Empire

    476 AD
    Romulus, the last of the Roman emperors in the west, was overthrown by the Germanic leader Odoacer, who was the first Barbarian to rule in Rome. Because of this, "the order that the Roman Empire had brought to western Europe for 1000 years was no more."
  • Nero

    54 AD
    Nero was adopted at age 13 by his great-uncle, the emperor Claudius, because his mother married him. When he became emperor in 54 AD, he was of the most well-known emperors of Rome, until his death by suicide 14 years later. He is best known for his debaucheries, political murders, and persecution of Christians.
  • Tiberius

    14-37 AD
    Tiberius Caesar Augustus, is the adopten son of Augustus, and he was the second Roman emperor.