Roman History

  • 753 BCE

    Founding of Rome

    Founding of Rome
    It is said that the city was founded by Romulus and Remus.This story though is a myth. Also Rome was made from little city's and the city of Rome was formed.
  • 306 BCE

    Constantine I

    Constantine I
    Constantine I was the first Christian
    emperor. He was responsible for letting
    the people chose their own religion. The
    one religion he did not allow was paganism.
    He ruled from306-337A.D.
  • 285 BCE

    Founding of Constantinople/Division of Empire

    Founding of Constantinople/Division of Empire
    As the Roman Empire was being invaded empire Constantine moved the capital. He moved the capital from west to east. It was called Byzantine or A New Rome which after was renamed Constantinople.
  • 264 BCE

    Expansion of Empire

    Expansion of Empire
    The empire expanded from east to west. Going to the tip of North Africa and the land around the Mediterranean Sea. the Expansion of the empire need in 44B.C.
  • 44 BCE

    End of the Republic

    End of the Republic
    The republic ended because people fought over the issue of who should hold power.Thy were all dived as some wanted to have a senate again others did not want that.
  • 44 BCE

    Innovation in Art or Architecture

    Innovation in Art or Architecture
    The innovation of art was about how there was a influence of both Greek art and Roman art. For example some people use Greek art decorate there homes.
  • 27 BCE

    Augustus Caesar

    Augustus Caesar
    Augustus Caesar was born leader. He did many great things such as creating a efficient civil service, developed the postal and census systems. He also provided jobs for the unemployed and created a new network of roads that facilitated trade.
    He ruled from27B.C.-14A.D.
  • 27 BCE

    Jesus’s Main Teachings

    Jesus’s Main Teachings
    Jesus taught about the one true God .Also taught about having obedience towards the laws of Moses. Secondly he taught over how he was the son of God.
  • 17 BCE

    Pax Romana

    Pax Romana
    Pax Romana was long period of time of peace in the Roman Empire This was a time with no wars or battles. The meaning of Pax Romana is Roman peace.