Robot Timeline

  • 1495

    First Humanoid Robot

    Leonardo da Vinci designed what may be the first humanoid robot though it
    cannot be confirmed if the design was actually ever produced. The robot was
    designed to sit up, wave its arms, and move its head via a flexible neck while
    opening and closing its jaw
  • The calculator was invented .

    Blaise Pascal invented a calculating machine to help his father with taxes. The device was called the Pascaline and about 50 Pascalines were built. Only a few can be found in museums such as the one on display in the Des Arts et Metiers Museum in Paris.
  • A pocket version of Pascaline was invented

    A pocket version of the Pascaline was invented by Samuel Morland which worked “without charging the memory, disturbing the mind, or exposing the operations to any uncertainty
  • The duck

    Jacques de Vaucanson’s most famous creation was undoubtedly "The Duck." This mechanical device could flap its wings, eat, and digest grain. Each wing contained over four hundred moving parts and even today it remains something of a mystery. The original Duck has disappeared.
  • Create designs

    Joseph-Marie Jacquard invented a machine (essentially a loom) that could be programmed to create designs that could be printed onto cloth or tissue.
  • 18th Century

    In the 18th century, miniature automatons became popular as toys for the very rich. They were made to look and move like humans or small animals.
  • Steam man

    John Brainerd created the Steam Man apparently used to pull wheeled carts and more. In 1885, Frank Reade Jr. built the “Electric Man” which is more or-less an electric version of the Steam Man.
  • Printed wire

    The first patents were awarded for the construction of a “printed wire” which came into use after World War 2. The concept was to replace radio tube with something less bulky
  • Robot

    The term "robot" was first used in a play called "R.U.R." or "Rossum's Universal Robots" by the Czech writer Karel Capek. The plot was simple: man creates a robot to replace him and then robot kills man!

    Westinghouse created ELEKTRO a human-like robot that could walk, talk, and smoke. ELEKTRO was first unveiled at the 1939 world’s fair.