Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire

By 46027
  • 64 BCE

    Roman Rule of Israel

    Roman Rule of Israel
    -The Romans attacked the Parthian in 40 BC
    -The Romans also reconstructed the government of Israel.
    -Herod was the man who lead the Romans in victory to take over the city.
    -In 37 BC Herod returned and was given permission to take over Jerusalem.
  • 4 BCE

    Jesus of Nazareth

    Jesus of Nazareth
    -Jesus was Jewish and was born in Bethlehem.
    -Jesus began his ministry when he was 30 years old when John the baptized was arrested.
    -Jesus had men and women follow him to places he did not know and called the the twelve disciples.
    -Jesus taught the kingdom of god by telling parables
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    Paul of Tarsus

    Paul of Tarsus
    • was a Jewish native of Tarsus in Cilicia
    • He was one of the first leaders of the early Christians
    • was considered to be the most important person after Jesus died
    • His letters helped put him in the place as one of the worlds best religious leaders.
  • 64

    Great Fire of Rome

    Great Fire of Rome
    • The entire fire lasted 6 day long
    • History blamed Nero for the disaster, but to keep his place in power, Nero blamed the Christians for the fire. -Nero started the fire on purpose so he could rebuild the city and make his mark on Rome.
    • When the fire cleared 10 of Romes 14 districts were in ruins.
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    • she was a married noblewoman and she died when she was 22 years of age.
    • her diary is one of the only remaining objects that help tell a story about her, it was 6 chapters long.
    • she was one of the most reverend saints to ever live and was born in Carthage in Northern Africa.
    • She died in a fight and had the gladiator kill her.
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    Constantine The Great

    Constantine The Great
    • He defeated Maxentius when he had a dream of Jesus and that he won win in battle the next day and did, so he praised Christ.
    • he kept conquering his neighboring Kings and empires with his massive army.
    • he stopped all the persecutions of Christians in his area, so the people started to recognize how great of a king he was.
    • He played a major part in the expansion of the Roman Empire.
  • 303

    Great Persecution of 303 CE

    Great Persecution of 303 CE
    • was the last and most severe of all christian executions.
    • after this there were several edicts sent out giving Christians some rights and being able to live life normally. -emperor Diocletian was the greatest persecutor because of how many Christians he killed during this horrific event. -there were up to 2 million killed during this time.
  • 312

    Battle of Milvian Bridge

    Battle of Milvian Bridge
    -was fought by the two Roman emperors Constantine, and Maxentius.
    -it is said that Constantine had a dream where he saw a cross that said on hoc signo vinces meaning in this sign, prevail.
    - After he saw this message he ordered his men to paint crosses upon their shields.
    - Constantine ended up winning the battle and started to praise christ and gave Christians rights and gave them freedom.
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    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    -was a letter signed by the emperors Constantine and Licinius.
    -the letter was about religious toleration or giving Christians rights.
    -after the letter was signed, there was a period where Constantine granted favors to the christian church and the christian people.
    -the exact words of the letter are no longer with us.
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    Emperor Theodosius

    Emperor Theodosius
    -He is known for reuniting the eastern and western parts of Rome Empire.
    -He was the last emperor of both parts of Rome.
    -After he died the two parts split up again permanently.
    -made Christian the permanent state religion for Rome.