Revolutionary War

  • Proclamation of 1763

    In 1763 after the french and indian war the british were telling that colonist that you would have to settle east from the Native American territory unless you paied more money for that land.
  • Period: to

    Course of the revolutionary war

  • Sugar Act

    In 1764 the British passed the sugar act which was when the colonist had to pay for their sugar and maladies. The only excuse that the British had was that it was to pay the war, but the colonist didn't have a say in it.
  • Stamp Act

    The stamp act was passed in 1765 and was a tax on diplomias, leagle documents, news paper, cairds and dice. The british passed this once again with the excuse that they needed the money to pay off the war, just that they added that the people in Brition also had to pay it.
  • Quartering Act

    The quartering act was passed in 1767 as a way to have a place to house saoilder. THis gave the british oppertunites to bring more soildiers and spy on the people. The colonist that were with them had to serve them as if they were slaves.
  • Townsend Act

    The Townsend act was passed in 1767 and was a tax for all writing utensils and wanted. This was passed after the stamp act was repealed and made for the British to pay off the stamp act. The excuse they gave the colonists again was that they needed the money to pay off the war.
  • The Bostan Massacer

    The bostan masacer happened in 1770as what started as a riote. The colonist started when the colonist didn't want to pay the taxes so they started to throw snowballs and then the soilders were shooting at the colonist and murrederd 5.
  • Tea Act

    The tea act was passed in 1773. The british said that this was to pay off the war. This act made tea more expensive and if people bought it it would hurt them because of how much it costed.
  • Bostan tea party

    The bostan tea party happed as a way to get back for makeing the tea act. They wanted to be able to have thier things back to noramal. The colonist dressed up as native americans and then threw the tea over board as protest.
  • Intolerable Act

    This was passed in 1774 as a punishment to the colonist. This was a punishment after the bostan tea party. This was made for them to house saoilders again and to pass the old taxes back. This also gave the colonist more soilders that spied on them.
  • First continental congress

    This happened in 1774. This was a letter to the king of england telling them what they didn't like and what they didn't want. This was a way to tell them that they wanted things to change and for them not to give up all thier mney.