Programming History Timeline

  • First Computer Program

    Ada Lovelac in he notes describe a algorithm used to make the first computer program
  • Machine that could read data

    Herman Hollerith developed a device that could read data
  • First Electronic Computer

    Th fist Electronic digital computer was called the Atanasoft Berry Computer or ABC.
  • First Bug

    Grace Murray Hopper found the first bug with a computer which was an actual bug.
  • EDSAC running it's first program

    The EDSAC ran its first program which was to create a list of prime numbers.
  • Fortran

    John Backus created a high level programming language called Fortran.

    Was a standard for programming languages during this time.
  • First Computer Game

    Steve Russell created a game called space war.
  • Basic

    A programming language called baic came out.
  • Second Generation Computers

    Second generation computers were being developed using transistors.
  • Third generation of computers

    These computers used circuits making them smaller and faster.
  • The Internet

    This I when the term the Internet is thought up of.
  • Ethernet cable

    Invention of the Ethernet Cable.
  • High speed Internet

    Many companies create an advanced networking system.
  • World Wide Web

    Finally released in 1992 how did we live without it.
  • Wireless Internet

    Wireless Internet or WiFi is created in 1999