
  • First mont of being pregnant

    First mont of being pregnant
    Mom knows that he has and delay in menstruation so finally finds out she is pregnant, she can also check that her mammary glands are preparing to the process that will train to breastfeed the new son. At the end of the first month the embryo is 5mm.
  • Second month of being pregnant

    Second month of being pregnant
    At the second month it appear the first sings for example sickness, dizziness, pain in the breasts They begin to grow and small granules appear in the areola, abdominal pain similar to the menstruation pain, increased vaginal discharge, etc. At the end of the month the embryo measures to 3 or 4 cm and weighs about 3 grams.
  • Third month of being pregnant

    Third month of being pregnant
    At the third month is the time to check the specific day when is going to be the childbirth, some of the symptoms are nausea and vomiting, pain in the lower abdomen due to distention of the abdomen that is beginning to grow, the chest has grow, fatigue and drowsiness, sudden changes of mood, there may be a tendency for bleeding gums when brushing teeth, etc. At the end of the third month the fetus is about 12 cm. and weighs about 65 g.
  • fourth month of being pregnant

    fourth month of being pregnant
    At the beginning of the fourth month the mom can check if the baby is growing well, some of the symptom are the uterus has grown, the vomits disappear, woman has gone to fattened, modifications appear on the skin, such as the lineal alba from the navel to the symphysis pubis, the need for frequent urination, etc. At the end of the fourth month the fetus measures about 20 cm. and weighs about 250 g.
  • Fifth month of being pregnant

    Fifth month of being pregnant
    It start to feel the movements of the fetus, which are increasingly active, sometimes experiences a sensation of nasal congestion that does not correspond to a cold, around the 20th week of gestation an ultrasound study will be carried out with the purpose of checking the morphology of the organs, it is possible to determine the sex of the baby. At the end of the fifth month, the fetus measures about 30 cm and weighs about 650 g.
  • Sixth month of being pregnant

    Sixth month of being pregnant
    The burning appears or increases, since the growing fetus occupies the abdominal cavity compressing the rest of the abdominal organs of the mother, respiratory changes also occur, the capacity of the rib cage is diminished, the mother feels increasingly more tired and more difficult to carry out activity. At the end of the sixth month, the fetus is about 37 cm and weighs 1 kilo.
  • Seventh month of being pregnant

    Seventh month of being pregnant
    The uterus grows a lot in part due to the increase in the amount of amniotic fluid, compression in the pelvis is greater by weight, cramps may appear in the legs, the difficulty to sleep is greater, because there is no posture, the baby moves a lot. At the end of the seventh month, the fetus measures about 42 cm and weighs about 1,500 g.
  • Eighth month being pregnant

    Eighth month being pregnant
    The fetus is usually placed cephalic, braxton hicks contractions are becoming more frequent, the movements of the fetus are more coordinated, There is more difficulty for movement and activity, so it is common for the mother to suffer small domestic accidents, falls, blows, etc. At the end of the eighth month, the fetus measures about 47 cm and weighs about 2,500 g.
  • Ninth month of being pregnant

    Ninth month of being pregnant
    Fatigue is greater, sleep is worse, you are more upset, there are contractions that are similar to pain during menstruation, or in the lower back, the signs and symptoms that indicate that the birth will begin and that you know how to identify and act before them can be shown in the preparation for the birth. At birth, a baby of medium size will measure about 50 cm and weigh about 3,000-3,500 g.