
Sadye's Fetal Stages of Development

  • Last Day of Menstrual Cycle

    Last Day of Menstrual Cycle
    This is the final day of the endometrium being shed.
  • Start of the Proliferative Phase, Beginning of First Trimester

    Start of the Proliferative Phase, Beginning of First Trimester
    The proliferative phase is the rebuilding of the endometrium. This will end on May 4, 2013. This also marks the beginning of the first trimester.
  • Period: to

    Fetal Development

    This is the 40 week fetal development of Blakely Sky.
  • Ovulation Occurs

    Ovulation Occurs
    This is when the ovaries release an egg that can be fertilized by a sperm within the next 24 hours.
  • Fertilization Occurs

    Fertilization Occurs
    The sperm enters the egg where fertilization takes place and a zygote has been formed.
  • A Morula Forms

    A Morula Forms
    A morula is a ball of cells of a cleavaged ovum. It will soon transform into a blastocyst.
  • Morula is Now a Blastocyst

    Morula is Now a Blastocyst
    This process will take place until May 12, 2013. A blastocyst is a ball of cells that contains DNA and a fluid cavity. After implantation, the blastocyst will become an embryo.
  • Blastocyst Implants in Uterine Wall

    Blastocyst Implants in Uterine Wall
    The blastocyst succesfully interacts with the uterine lining and implants itself where it will grow for the next 40 weeks.
  • Placenta Forms

    Placenta Forms
    The placenta's main function is exchange of respiratory gases, providing nutrients to the fetus, and getting rid of it's waste.
  • Ectoderm, Mesoderm, and Endoderm Development

    Ectoderm, Mesoderm, and Endoderm Development
    During this week, these three layers of cells will be forming. The ectoderm is responsible for becoming the nervous system and the skin. The mesoderm later forms into the skeleton, muscles, circulatory system, and internal organs. The lungs, disgestive system, urinary tract, and glands are all part of the endoderm.
  • Brain Appears

    Brain Appears
    Fetal brain development is imperative. If it is not fully developed by birth, the baby could experience mental challenges throughout it's lifetime.
  • Heart Formation Begins

    Heart Formation Begins
    The heart is beginning its stages in development.The fetus can be born with several different defects to the heart. Without the heart, there is basically no possiblity of survival.
  • Month 1 Weight & Length

    Month 1 Weight & Length
    The fetus weighs .002 ounces and is 2 millimeters in length from crown to rump.
  • Lung, Spinal Cord, Ribs, Skin, Muscles, Intestines, Arms, and Legs Begin Process of Formation

    Lung, Spinal Cord, Ribs, Skin, Muscles, Intestines, Arms, and Legs Begin Process of Formation
    Since the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm have started development earlier in the pregnancy, this allows the formation of these major organs to begin.
  • Eyes Appear

    Eyes Appear
    This of the beginning of the fetus's eyes developing. In a few weeks, they will be sealed shut with eyelids to be protected until they reopen during the 7th month.
  • Month 2 Weight & Length

    Month 2 Weight & Length
    The fetus weighs .04 ounces and is 0.63 inches in length.
  • Emerging of Fingers, Toes, and Facial Features

    Emerging of Fingers, Toes, and Facial Features
    This is the time when the toes and fingers start to first appear. Later on, they will be able to practice how to grip things in the womb before being born. The fetal facial features now form also to begin to look like what it will when it is delivered.
  • Development of Senses Begins

    Development of Senses Begins
    Throughout the next months, the fetus will develope the ability to touch, hear, see, smell, and taste. When it is born, these senses will be crucial to everyday life. At this date, the baby has obtained the ability to respond to touch.
  • Reflexes Begin

    Reflexes Begin
    The baby can now make spontaneous movements in the womb which the mother probably will not feel because the fetus is not yet strong enough. It also can now hiccup, suck, and drink.
  • Normal Fetus Weight Gain of 75%

    Normal Fetus Weight Gain of 75%
    This allows the baby to be born under normal circumstances and obtain an average, healthy fetal weight at this point.
  • Gender Can Be Seen

    Gender Can Be Seen
    An ultrasound is used to send sound waves into an expecting mother to create a sonogram that will determine the sex of the baby. The technology allows the doctor to pinpoint certain areas on the fetus.
  • Month 3 Weight & Length, Beginning of Second Trimester

    Month 3 Weight & Length, Beginning of Second Trimester
    The fetus weighs .49 ounces and is 2.13 inches in length from crown to rump. This is also the end of the first trimester and the beginning of the second.
  • Month 4 Weight & Length

    Month 4 Weight & Length
    The fetus weighs 4.94 ounces and is 5.12 inches in length from crown to rump.
  • Vernix and Lanugo Begin to Protect Skin

    Vernix and Lanugo Begin to Protect Skin
    The vernix serves the purpose of protecting the unborn baby's skin from wrinkling and chapping. The lanugo is the baby's first hair until it is shed and replaced in the 7th month.
  • Premature Possiblity of Survival

    Premature Possiblity of Survival
    When a baby is born premature, it is generally given specialized treatment in the NICU until it is fully developed and is put on specific ventilation. If it is born before 23 weeks, it has only a slight chance of survival.
  • Month 5 Weight & Length

    Month 5 Weight & Length
    The fetus is 12.70 ounces and is 10.51 inches in length from crown to heel.
  • Month 6 Weight & Length, Beginning of Third Trimester

    Month 6 Weight & Length, Beginning of Third Trimester
    The fetus weighs 1.68 pounds and is 14.02 inches in length from crown to heel.This marks the end of the second trimester and the beginning of the third trimester.
  • Month 7 Weight & Length

    Month 7 Weight & Length
    The fetus is 3.31 pounds and is 16.18 inches in length from crown to heel.
  • Month 8 Weight & Length

    Month 8 Weight & Length
    The fetus weighs 6.30 pounds and is 19.13 inches in length from crown to heel.
  • Labor and Delivery

    Labor and Delivery
    Stage one in labor includes early labor and active labor, where the certix either slowly dialates til opening or it dialates very quickly. Stage two is the pushing stage where you are fully dialated with contractions and give birth to the baby. Stage three refers to the retrieval of the placenta after the birth.
  • Newborn Has Arrived!!! :)

    Newborn Has Arrived!!! :)
    The spunky newborn named Blakely Sky weighs 7.63 pounds and is 20.28 inches in length.