Alper dostal notte stellata


  • Period: to

    Eco Footprints and Waterprints

    Participants : Each partner country by its own and then in transnational groups Digital tools : a Footprint and Waterprint Calculator, the App Summarize to do the summary of long articles to read ( Eco Footprints, the Australian Fire). Activities
    - After the Reading of a dossier about Eco Footprints and Waterprints, students Will use a Footprint Calculator to measure each own Footprint. Then they interact to compare the results
  • A classroom with a view

    A classroom with a view
    Now students take a photo of the view from their classroom windows as profile picture. Their peers ask questions:
    What is the Climate and the type of soil in your city?
    How much rainfall during the year?
    Were there outstanding weather
    Didactic product:
    Diagrams and infographics about Eco Footprints.
    Summaries about the topics concerned
    A set of photos about their geographical zones. Leaflets about the Topic.