Niels bohr

Niels Bohr 2 (the day 01 is used for days specifically not known)

  • Niels Bohr is born

    Niels Bohr is born
    Niels Bohr is born to Christian Bohr and Ellen Bohr in Copenhagen, Denmark. "Niels Bohr." Famous Scientists. 19 Dec. 2015. Web. 10/22/2019
  • Graduates Highschool

    Graduates Highschool
    At the age of 17, Niels Bohr graduates high school. Later he attends the University of Copenhagen. "Niels Bohr." Famous Scientists. 19 Dec. 2015. Web. 10/22/2019
  • Water Tension

    Water Tension
    Niels Bohr expands the theory of water tension by taking into account the viscosity of the liquid as well as incorporating finite amplitudes instead of infinitesimal ones. Palermo, Elizabeth. "Niels Bohr: Biography & Atomic Theory". Livescience.Com, 2019,
  • Graduates with a B.S.

    Graduates with a B.S.
    Niels Bohr graduates with a Bachelor's in Science in Physics. "Niels Bohr." Famous Scientists. 19 Dec. 2015. Web. 10/22/2019
  • Ernest Rutherford's Atomic Model

    Ernest Rutherford's Atomic Model
    Ernest Rutherford's Atomic Model was the one that Niels Bohr expands on. "Niels Bohr." Famous Scientists. 19 Dec. 2015. Web. 10/22/2019
  • Awarded his Ph.D.

    Awarded his Ph.D.
    Niels Bohr is awarded his Ph.D. for his theoretical work on the electron theory of metals.
    "Niels Bohr." Famous Scientists. 19 Dec. 2015. Web. 10/22/2019
  • Begins work with J.J. Thomson

    Begins work with J.J. Thomson
    Niels Bohr starts work with J.J Thomson at the University of Cambridge. J.J. Thomson and Niels Bohr did not start off on the best foot which paved the way for Niels Bohr and Ernest Rutherford's working relationship. "Niels Bohr." Famous Scientists. 19 Dec. 2015. Web. 10/22/2019
  • Begins work with Ernest Rutherford

    Begins work with Ernest Rutherford
    Niels Bohr leaves J.J. Thomson's lab to work with Ernest Rutherford at the University of Manchester. Ernest Rutherford played a major influence on Niels Bohr in both personal and professional life. "Niels Bohr." Famous Scientists. 19 Dec. 2015. Web. 10/22/2019
  • A New Atomic Model

    A New Atomic Model
    Niels Bohr, after returning to the University of Copenhagen in the fall of 1912, begins work on his own atomic model. He knew that Ernest Rutherford's atomic model did not work with classical physics. He looked towards Einstein and Plank's quantum physics to uncover what was missing. "Niels Bohr." Famous Scientists. 19 Dec. 2015. Web. 10/22/2019
  • The breakthrough part 2

    The breakthrough part 2
    Niels Bohr useing Planks constant and quantum mechanics Bohr showed that electron energies are set whole numbers. This means that electrons can only occupy set orbitals around the nucleus.
    Bohr, Niels, and Burndy Library. Atomernes Bygning Og Stoffernes Fysiske Og Kemiske Egenskaber. Jul. Gjellerups Forlag,, 1922,
  • The breakthrough

    The breakthrough
    In 1913, Bohr hears about Johann Balmer's formula that predicted wavelengths. He used Balmer's formula and quantum theory to explain how it all worked. He adjusted Rutherford's atomic model with the new information and showed that electrons occupy set orbitals around the nucleus. This breakthrough made Niels Bohr the father of quantum mechanics.
    "Niels Bohr." Famous Scientists. 19 Dec. 2015. Web. 10/22/2019
  • Photons

    Niels Bohr solves the question about how matter could absorb or emit light. While an electron occupies an orbital, it can move up or down an orbital by either absorbing a photon or emitting a photon respectively. "Niels Bohr." Famous Scientists. 19 Dec. 2015. Web. 10/22/2019
  • Nobel Prize in Physics

    Nobel Prize in Physics
    Niels Bohr is awarded the Nobel Prize of Physics for his work on the atomic model. Palermo, Elizabeth. "Niels Bohr: Biography & Atomic Theory". Livescience.Com, 2019,
  • Concept of Complimentary

    Concept of Complimentary
    In 1928, Niels Bohr first writes about the concept of complimentary "electrons can be viewed as either a wave or a particle but not both.". The type of observation forces the electron to choose between one of the two forms.
    "Complementarity Principle | Physics". Encyclopedia Britannica, 2019,
    Bohr, Niels. “Causality and Complementarity.” Philosophy of Science, vol. 4, no. 3, Williams and Wilkins Co., July 1937, pp. 289–98.
  • Publishes the Compound Nucleus

    Publishes the Compound Nucleus
    Working with James Chadwick, Bohr publishes proof that in radioactive elements, a neutron collides with multiple neutrons and protons. This causes a semi-stable compound nucleus. Due to the collisions the nucleus is in a high energy state and emits energy in the form of gamma rays and or losing neutrons. "Niels Bohr." Famous Scientists. 19 Dec. 2015. Web. 10/22/2019
  • Liquid Drop Model

    Liquid Drop Model
    Niels Bohr and John Archibald Wheeler propose a liquid drop model to explain how larger atomic nucleus can fall apart just like a water drop that is two big. This was the basis for the atomic bomb program. "Niels Bohr." Famous Scientists. 19 Dec. 2015. Web. 10/22/2019
  • Niels Bohr Dies

    Niels Bohr Dies
    Niels Bohr dies at the age of 77 of heart failure while in his home located in Copenhagen, Denmark. "Niels Bohr." Famous Scientists. 19 Dec. 2015. Web. 10/22/2019