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National Parks Creation

  • 1851

    The first white men saw Yosemite National Park.
  • Inspiration Point

    Inspiration Point
    James Mason leads tourists to Yosemite's Inspirtation Point.
  • Yosemite and Mariposa Grove

    Yosemite and Mariposa Grove
    President Lincoln signs act ceding Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Grove of the Great Seqoia's to California.
  • Yellowstone

    Henry Dana Washburn leads expedition to confirm rumors of Yellowstone's geothermin wonders.
  • Alaska

    John Muir visits Glacier Bay in Alaska.
  • National Forests

    National Forests
    President Harrison signs Forests Reserve Act, empowering Presidents to set aside public land as national forests.
  • Mount Rainier

    Mount Rainier
    Mount Ranier becomes the first National Park created from a national forest.
  • Grand Canyon

    Grand Canyon
    President Roosevelt declares the Grand Canyon a National Monument.
  • NPS

    Law written creating the National Park service.
  • Park Visitiors

    Park Visitiors
    Park Visitors exceed one million a year.