Naser Raed 2000-2016

  • Birth

    It was the day I was born. I was born along with 2 sisters, which makes a triplet. It is important to me because without my birth I would not be alive.
  • Moving houses

    Moving houses
    It was when he moved houses from North Sehla to Jurdab. It is really important because it is one of the only things I remember from that young age, and moving houses really gave me more space and privacy.
  • Halloween

    It was my first Halloween celebration, and I was dressed like a elephant. I loved wearing costumes and acting silly. It shaped me by me discovering my love for wearing costumes and acting silly.
  • First Time Riding an Animal

    First Time Riding an Animal
    It was my first time riding an animal. I was really excited and had lots of fun. This inspired me to ride horses, which is something I love to do to this day.
  • Moving to Canada

    Moving to Canada
    It was when I moved to Canada for 2 years. This is a picture of my class. It was my first time living out of Bahrain, and it taught me a lot about Canadians and their culture and it was one of the best experiences I have ever had.
  • First Black President

    The First Black President was Barack Obama. It happened during 2008 and it was a major shock to everyone. It was a massive shock to me because at that time we were learning about the civil war and I was amazed by how someone who would've been looked down on in the past is now a leader. It made me believe I could accomplish anything I want as long as I put my mind to it and believe in myself
  • Joining Running Team

    I joined the running team and entered my first race. It was a club in our school that we had to run, and I learned how fun it was to run. Ever since I joined the time my love for running only grew and I keep trying to improve it daily.
  • Moving to America

    Moving to America
    It was the time I moved to Denver, Colorado. It was another amazing experience and I lived in America for 1 year. Everyone was very friendly and I got to learn a lot about Americans. This picture shows me holding my certificate which meant that I graduated grade 5
  • Disneyworld

    It was the first time I went to Disney world. It was in California. I remember going to a roller coaster that was so scary my sister started to cry. It was the best theme park I have ever been to and out of all the 3 Disney worlds I've been to it was the best.
  • First Day in MKS

    First Day in MKS
    It was my first day at MKS, and I was quite a bit nervous but excited too at the same time. It's important to me because it was the start of something new in my life and I was ready to change.
  • Bungee Jumping

    I went bungee jumping in Thailand, and it was the scariest thing I have ever done. I was scared to death and never felt that scared because I was asked to just jump from somewhere 50 meters high, and it felt like I was not wearing anything to keep me safe so I was so scared. But in the end I jumped, and I learnt to face my fears. One of my biggest fears to this day, is heights, and whenever I am about to do something I am scared of I just close my yes and do it and get it over with.