Napoleon Timeline

  • Italian Campaign (green)

    Italian Campaign (green)
    Conflicts fought during French Revolutionary War. This helped France break away from its dictatorship.
  • Egyptian Campaign (red)

    Egyptian Campaign (red)
    He led an expedition to Egypt hoping to disrupt British trade with India. He lost very badly.
    This was not good for his reputation.
  • Consulate (green)

    Consulate (green)
    He overthrew the weak Directory and made the Consulate (a three-man governing board).
    This was good because it helped strengthen France.
  • Banque de France (green)

    Banque de France (green)
    Napoleon gave the bankers French finance.
    This was good for the bank
  • Concordat of 1801 (green)

    Concordat of 1801 (green)
    This kept the Catholic Church under state control and recognized religious freedom for Catholics.
    This was good for both Napoleon and the people because they got religious freedom.
  • Consul for Life (green)

    Consul for Life (green)
    He declared he would be a consul for life in the new government.
    This was good because he would be set for life and always have power.
  • Declared Self Emperor (green)

    Declared Self Emperor (green)
    Napoleon acquired enough power to completely take control and declare himself emperor. He crowned himself as his coronation to show that he was the source of his own power.
    This was good because he took control to restore order back to France.
  • Napoleonic Code (yellow)

    Napoleonic Code (yellow)
    A new code of laws that embodied Enlightenment principles such as the equality of all citizens before the law, religious toleration, and he abolition of feudalism.
    This is good because men citizens would be treated fairly. The women however, would lose some rights
  • Continental System (green)

    Continental System (green)
    This closed the European ports to British goods.
    This was good because this struck a blow at Britain
  • Battle of Trafalgar (red)

    Battle of Trafalgar (red)
    A battle fought off the southwest coast of Spain. The French were defeated by the British.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire (green)

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire (green)
    He abolished the Holy Roman Empire and created a 38 member Confederation of the Rhine under French protection
    This was good because it helped him seize control of part of Europe
  • Resistance in Spain (red)

    Resistance in Spain (red)
    Spanish resisted the French and were met with brutal repression; however, this only inflamed Spanish nationalism.
    This was not good for the French because the Spanish were fighting back
  • Invasion of Russia (yellow)

    Invasion of Russia (yellow)
    Russia became unhappy with the economic effects of the Continental System. Napoleon assembled an army with soldiers from 20 nations.
    This was not too good because as the Russians retreated they burned land leaving the France hungry.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig (red)

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig (red)
    Russia, Britain, Austria, and Prussia formed an alliance against France and defeated them.
    Napoleon was defeated.
  • Abdication (yellow)

    Abdication (yellow)
    Napoleon stepped down from power and was exiled to Elba.
    This was good for the people because Napoleon had not done too great recently.
  • Hundred Days (red)

    Hundred Days (red)
    Napoleon only fought for 100 days before being defeated at Waterloo.
  • Waterloo (red)

    Waterloo (red)
    Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo in a day-long battle and Napoleon was forced to abdicate and go into exile.