Europe 1812 map en

Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Napoleon's Birth

    Napoleon's Birth
    Napolean Bonaparte was born in Ajaccio, France. His were Letizia and Carlo Bonaparte.
  • Napoleon enters Military School.

    Napoleon enters Military School.
    At 9 years old, Napolean entered military school. He went to a Royal Military School in Brienne.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    A prison with plenty of weapons was attacked by French Revolutionaries in an attempt to arm theirselvs against the oppressive government. The attack ended with a revolutionist victory and a number of loyalist excecutions.
  • Napoleon becomes a Brigadier General

    Napoleon becomes a Brigadier General
    Napolean was 24 when he was commisioned as a brigadier General. He was promoted for his excelent performance at the Siege of Toulon.
  • Napoleon becomes Commander in Chief

    Napoleon becomes Commander in Chief
    General Paul Barras recommends to have Napolean promoted to "Chief of the Army of the Interior." This caused him to become well known and rich.
  • Coup d'etat

    Coup d'etat
    This was an overthrow of the French government under the Directory and substituted with the Consulate. This made way for Napolean to take charge of the failing government.
  • Vote for consulship for life

    Vote for consulship for life
    After the Coup, Napoleaon disbands the Directory, He then apoints himself and two others to a new for of leadership called the Councilship. They had power of France from 1799-1804.
  • Concordat signed

    Concordat signed
    The Concordat was an agreement between Napolean and Pope Pius VII. Its purpose was to rebuild the torn ideals between the Revolutionaries and the Catholic Church.
  • Sale of Louisiana to United States

    Sale of Louisiana to United States
    The Louisiana Purchase was Frances attempt to reinstate their former wealth. They sold land to the United States for $15 million in which doubled the size of the U.S.
  • Proclaimed Emperor Napoleon I

    Proclaimed Emperor Napoleon I
    Napoleon is named Emporer of France. He has very fancy ceremony at the Notre Dame in Paris. He even crowns himself.
  • Continental blockade

    Continental blockade
    Napoleon blocks the French empire with a naval blockade to prevent any trading with Great Britian. It was part of the Continental System.
  • Napoleon’s son born

    Napoleon’s son born
    Napoleon II is orn. He will eventually become the King of Rome.
  • Napoleon is exiled to Elba

    Napoleon is exiled to Elba
    Many people are disliking Napoleon. He has made several costly mistakes which costed him his credibility with the people. It becomes so bad that he is exiled to the island of Elba.
  • Napoleon escapes from Elba

    Napoleon escapes from Elba
    Napoleon escapes from the island and returnes to France. He then retakes control of the military and government.
  • Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo
    After a long and successful military career, Napoleon is finally defeated in the Battle of Waterloo by the British. This crushed his dream of an all powerfull French empire. After this, he is exciled a second time to St. Helena
  • Napoleon arrives at St. Helena

    Napoleon arrives at St. Helena
    After the devestating defeat, Napoleon gets exciled to St. Helena. He lived there for 6 years until his death.
  • Napolean's death

    Napolean's death
    Napoleon died during excile after six years on the island. This brought an end to the ledgendary emporer.