My Personal History

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    On February 1st, Bryce William Gutowsky was born at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak. I was born at 6:41 at night and weighed six pounds and eight ounces. I was born to his Mother Stephanie and his Father Larry.
  • The Birth of My Brother

    The Birth of My Brother
    On October 25th, 2003, my brother, Drew had been born. He was born at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak around 9:00 in the morning.
    Drew came home later that day, and I was so excited to have a little brother.
  • The Creation of YouTube

    The Creation of YouTube
    YouTube was a website made in 2005, and used for posting and uploading vides for the public to see. Today, YouTube is huge, with many people posting videos that get millions of views. I love to watch YouTube because it can help me with class work, and I can also watch sports videos to see what is new in the sports world.
  • My Brother has to get Heart Surgery

    My Brother has to get Heart Surgery
    My brother Drew was healthy, until he went to the doctor one day and realized that he had to get Open Heart Surgery. As a three year old at the time, he didn't know how to feel, but my parents were worried. Eventually, Drew went through his surgery and came out safe.
  • Moving to Massachusetts

    Moving to Massachusetts
    After I had finished Kindergarten, my parents decided that we would move to Massachusetts. We packed up our things and moved to a town called North Andover. In North Andover, I had to adjust to a new house, a new school and, new people.
  • My Dad introduced me to Lacrosse

    My Dad introduced me to Lacrosse
    When I was in 3rd grade, my Dad introduced me to the sport of lacrosse. He taught me how to catch and throw along with the basic fundamentals of the game. At first, I hated lacrosse, because I was not good at it, and was not scoring any goals. Later on, I would learn to love the sport and lacrosse would become a major part of my life.
  • Creation of the iPad

    Creation of the iPad
    In 2010, the company, Apple created a tablet/computer called the iPad. The iPad was marketed as a handheld computer in a smaller form factor than a laptop. When my Mom purchased her iPad I went crazy. I played games on it all the time and was my favorite toy.
  • The Boston Bombing

    The Boston Bombing
    In 2013, runners in the Boston Marathon were running and suddenly an explosion happened during the finish line. It was a terrorist attack and killed three people and injured many more. After living in Massachusetts, this affected me a lot, it is scary to see such a great city be turned into a war zone.
  • High School

    High School
    I was very nervous to go to high school, I did not like the school change and wondered what friends I would have. Later that year, my hypothesis became false, I was loving high school and all my friends. My Freshman year was probably one of the best school years I have ever had, and I will remember it forever.
  • High School Lacrosse

    High School Lacrosse
    Last year I set a goal that I was going to be a starter on Varsity as a freshman. Through hard work and practice, I had achieved this childhood goal. I also learned many lessons from my piers, not just about lacrosse, but about how to be a man. These lessons helped me so much and I cannot thank my teammates enough for helping me.