My Classroom-Project

By dianep
  • Starting my Practice II

    Starting my Practice II
    First day teaching the 10th grade from Luis Amigo
  • Period: to

    Integral Practice at Luis Amigo

  • Period: to

    Video "A Plastic Ocean"

    Students watch the film "A Plastic Ocean"
    During this time the students had to answer a questionaire. The film was stopped several times in order to answer questions, clear up doubts and have some discurses.
  • 10 A - Introduction to Present Perfect Progressive

    10 A - Introduction to Present Perfect Progressive
    Introducing the present perfect progressive to the students of 10A to prepare them for their development of the project
  • 10 B - Introduction to Present Perfect Progressive

    10 B - Introduction to Present Perfect Progressive
    Introducing the present perfect progressive to the students of 10B to prepare them for their development of the project
  • Period: to

    Pre-task - Collecting Plastic and Paper Garbage

    The students had to use the time of the vacation to observeand inquire how much and what kind of garbage was produced in their own family, in the neighborhood and on the beach. The students had to collect some garbage and think about what they could do to better the situation in the future
  • Starting back after vacation

    Starting back after vacation
    STudents refresh their knowledge about the present perfect progressive teeling each other about what they have done on vacation
  • Period: to

    Refreshing important aspects and the Present Perfect Continuous

    Refreshing the students' knowledge about the present perfect progressive and doing some practices in the workbook as well as playing some games, Using the just recent finished vacation
  • Period: to

    Presenting the Journal and Proposal

    The students have to give a resume about what they have been doing. They have to talk about
    - what they have been observing,
    - where they have been collecting their evidences,
    - what kind of garbage they have been collecting,
    - what they have done with it, and
    . what they have been doing to help the situation in the future
    and give a proposal of what could be done to improve the situation in the future.
  • Period: to

    Last practice on identifies weaknesses

    Students do some more practice on identified weaknesses on already seen topics like present perfect progressive.
  • Period: to

    Starting a new topic - Pets and Adverbs

    Introducing Adverbs with fun activities and the new topic "Pets"
  • Practice in Class

    Practice in Class
  • Students recollecting garbage

    Students recollecting garbage
    Students recollect garbage during their vacation for their project and take evidences for their journal
  • Exercises in Class

    Exercises in Class
  • Presenting the journal

    Presenting the journal
    Students showing where they have been, what they have collected and what they have been doing with it
  • Presenting evidences

    Presenting evidences
    Students show what they have done with the garbage in present their proposals for changing the situation in the future