Meaningful Moments

By KalebF
  • Born

    I was born somewhere around the detriot area. It was very early in the morning and my mom, dad, and grandma were there. They said I was a pretty good size baby not under weight or anything.
  • First Steps

    First Steps
    When I walked my first steps my parents were of course proud of me. I am a pretty fast kid today and being able to walk is great and being fast is amazing. Being fast definitly helps me in sports.
  • First Big Gift

    First Big Gift
    On my birthday I got this battery powered jeep and my parents told me I would drive this thing all day and that I would be reversing and everything. This was my first big gift that was a lot of money. My parents got videos of me driving it around.
  • Halloween

    This is the first halloween that I could actually remeber and this one was the best because I had the best costume ever. It was only me and my sister that went trick or treating with our parents because my other siblings weren't born yet. Now I just stay at home.
  • New home

    New home
    We lived in Detriot for most of my life and we finally decided to go to Holly. We have lived here ever since and it was a good choice by my parents. We moved mostly because we needed to go to a good school.
  • First bike

    First bike
    I learned to ride a bike when we moved. It was one of my first best accomplishments and I was very happy. I have gotten many new bikes after that.
  • Soccer

    This was my first time playing soccer and I feel in love with this sport and still love it. I played AYSO for my first time. I have definitly stepped up my game though.
  • School

    I started school and met some of my best friends which is great because we are still good friends. If I never went to school I would definitly be a loner. I started out in kindergarden.
  • Football

    I decided to try out football. I thought it was pretty fun. I met new people and got mvp for defense.
  • Grandma

    My grandman passed away and it was really hard for me because my mom was pretty upset and it was just a bad 3 months for us. It was a very sad day. The good thing is that I got to see some of my aunts and uncles.
  • Travel Soccer

    Travel Soccer
    I started to take soccer more serious and joined a travel soccer team and get better at the sport. It was a big step up from AYSO. It was well worth it though.
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    I started middle school. It was a little hard at first but I managed to get the hang it. I made a lot of new friends also.
  • Basketball

    This was my first time ever playing basketball. I made the 8th grade basketball team and was the most improved player. I was the best on the team for free throws.
  • A team

    A team
    I made the A team on my soccer team. I was on the B team the year before and the A team is a big step up. Which means even more competitive.
  • Varisty Soccer

    Varisty Soccer
    I am a freshmen and I made the Holly High School varisty soccer team. This was definitly one of my best moments of my life. I also scored this season against Linden.