me myself and i

By setho
  • birth

    club foot witch was the beginning of casts and shoes with bars in the middle. witch i would always try and escaped out of the shoe because they where bad.
  • first crawl

    first crawl
    i was an escape artist and i would always try and escaped from them so my first crawl i was crawling in my boots. so i would try and crawl hard.
  • first stiches

    first stiches
    the first time i had stitches was when i was at a summer camp and we were on some scooters and i ran in to the kid because neither of us where paying attention.
  • first staples

    first staples
    it should not have happend. while i was leaveing the library i tried to talk to someone while we where leaveing they didn't want to talk to me so they pushed me away they pushed me to hard and i ran my head into the back of a library table.
  • death of grandpa

    death of grandpa
    when my grandpa died it was hard on my dad but it wasn't the hardest on him to compared to when grandma died later on so i had to be their and he3lp and not be sad with him.
  • first pet

    first pet
    she was very small and loved playing and was very energetic and happy a lot of the time she loved playing a round.
  • water in basment of worthing house

    water in basment of worthing house
    it was very bad and if i had not gone down stairs and went to my room then it could have been a lot worse then it ended out to be.
  • trip to florida

    trip to florida
    it was my first plane trip. it was so much fun and i saw new thing and my first items and trying new things to get done with.
  • ginepig died

    ginepig died
    i touched her when trying to feed her and my mom came in behind me and she told me that i should leave and that's all i know.
  • death of grandma

    death of grandma
    when my grandma died it was the hardest on my dad because it was his mother he was really said and so i had to be their to help him through it.
  • move to canton

    move to canton
    it was my very first time moving. and it took a long time to move in to the new house. so we moved in and then right after a little later my grandma died.
  • first day of school in canton

    first day of school in canton
    the first of school in canton was interesting because i was not used to the 8 period section and i had like no friends because i was not their for a while.
  • trip to south carolina

    trip to south carolina
    our trip to south Carolina was so fun because the place we were staying at was like a block or 2 away from the beach it was so warm and nice to swim at.
  • first track meet

    first track meet
    my first track meet was fun but i had never been to one before so i was not prepared so i did not have a very fun time running. so it tired me out so it was hard.
  • trip to d.c.

    trip to d.c.
    its my very first time their and i got to see lots of monuments and all this other stuff the hotel we stayed at was so nice and i loved it.
  • brother goes to colledge

    brother goes to colledge
    it was my middle brother going to collage. it was my first sibling to go to collage. it was weird haveing a brother leave. i had nevver had a brother leave to go to collage berfore this time.