
mars' life

  • Period: to

    Parents Immigrated to US

    My dad came here at 13 years old escaping a toxic household and my mom came at 19 with hope of being able to send my grandmother money for medication.
  • older sister born

    my oldest sister was born
  • 9/11

    wasn't born yet but my mom was in the hospital for a check up and my dad was at work when it happened
  • Period: to

    witnessing IPV

    i grew up witnessing intimate partner violence. it all stopped once he stopped drinking
  • day i was born

    i was born around 2 weeks early but it's cool
  • sister born

    my younger sister was born.
  • started school

    started school a bit early
  • Period: to

    start and recovery of my ED

    i had an eating disorder when younger, my mom didn't notice until i started showing signs. i remember spitting food into my napkin to make it look like i ate. i hated chewing, even now, if i chew something for too long. i get anxious and don't want to continue eating.
  • brother born

    my only brother was born
  • Being to understand politics

    I started to begin to understand politics slowly. It was close to the 2008 election and my parents were hopeful that the new president would be easier on immigrants
  • my uncle got deported

  • my dad stopped drinking

    a huge step!
  • eric garner

    he was murdered 15 minutes away from my house.
  • outed to my mom

    i was outed to my mom as bisexual by my older sister. she didn't take it well
  • 2015

    had graduated middle school and started to recover from my ED. Started gaining weight, had issues with my period and it’s irregularities
  • my dads health issues

    he had been super sick and being an undocumented immigrant, he didn’t go to the hospital unless it was super serious. my mom took him to the emergency room and he had emergency surgery. he had kidney stones and wasn’t able to work for a few months. I visited him everyday in the hospital
  • president of pride club

    i became president of my schools pride club when i was a freshman despite not coming out to my parents
  • joined a youth leadership team

    had the amazing opporunity to join a Youth Leadership Team that focused on Sex Education under the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (I am still a part of it)
  • becoming an artist

    was accidentally put into an art class but really enjoyed it and stayed until the end of high school
  • first breakup

    she broke up with me and it hurt so much but i got over it after a few months. We're still friends
  • gender

    knew i was non binary after so much struggling
  • bella

    my dog, bella died.
  • election day

    trump elected into office. the days following felt dark
  • Trump Elected

    Following the days of the election. My family was subject to go through more racial tensions. At my sisters school, a kid had told her to go back to her country
  • youngest sister born

    she was born on a tuesday and i left school early to go see her
  • second breakup

    he asked me out on valentines day. a lot of red flags. I don't talk to him anymore
  • working with Girls for Gender Equity

    was able to join Girls For Gender Equity and meet some amazing friends
  • landlord

    we found out he had rented us a house that was in the process of foreclosure, he started threatening us and calling us slurs because we didn't pay. he had called CPS on us. We moved out the day after Christmas to my aunts spare room
  • Speaking at a Rally

    had the opportunity to speak at a rally in support of comprehensive sex ed in nyc public schools
  • senior year

    started senior year expecting an amazing year
  • moving out

    we had finally saved enough to be able to move out of my aunts spare room. We spent half a year crammed into a small room
  • i graduated

    the 2nd person to graduate high school in my family :)
  • consent campaign

    with the Department of Health, our team got the chance to film 3 different consent videos all made by teens for teens! (check them out on youtube. "Ask Before You Act")
  • stepped down as president

    I stepped down as president of Pride as a senior
  • my dad relapsed

  • Art Exhibition

    through my art class I was able to be part of an art exhibition
  • got to work with planned parenthood

    was able to work with Planned Parenthood and join an amazing collective
  • my cat

    i found him under my garden fence and took him in. We were supposed to give him away but i grew attached
  • college

    started college and met some amazing people
  • first time voting

    voted in the primaries :)
  • my father

    he passed away due to complication with COVID.
  • started to pray again

    praying for my dad and bringing comfort to my mom
  • tested for COVID

    my family got tested for COVID and every one except myself and my youngest sister tested positive.
  • Lucas

    my dog passed away 2 months and 2 days after my dad. I had him for 8 years
  • fathers day without father

    we didn't spend it with him :(