Main Events of the French revolution

By g28840
  • Start of something new

    Start of something new
    King louis was forced to share power Declaration of Rights of Man issued
  • Girl power

    Girl power
    Women revolute because of the rise in bread cost.Strom the home of the king and queen and destroy many things inside it.It is important
  • Equality

    All hereditary titles and privileges for nobility are abolished .This was adding power to the revolution becuase it gave the people the mentality of not being less than anybody and that they were as equal.
  • First War

    First War
    France declared war on Austria, prussia had joined prussia.This was the only war that was being fought outside of france.This was before the war from with in started
  • Executed

    Louis is killed off of conviction of treason for trying to flee.THis was big because this is what manny thought would be the solution of there problems and everything ended up getting worse after this.
  • Who are they realy protecting

    when committee of public safety was created to fight enemies of the revolution.This was after Louis and family were killed
  • Things Worsen

    Things Worsen
    Robespierre declares “Terror the order of the day” aka The reign of terror that ultimately lead to his death .This only caused hard-ship for the country,and nothing came out of it.
  • Napoleon begins

    Napoleon begins
    Napoleon defeated royalist rebels attacking the national convention.
  • Napoleon seizes power

    Napoleon seizes power
    Napoleon crowned himself emporor.This was how it was before with Louis.