Literacy Timeline - Andrew Coyle

  • One of my first books

    One of my first books
    When I was young my mom always read me Dr. Seuss books. One of the first books she read me was "Go, Dog, Go!" by P.D. Eastman.
  • The first book I read

    The first book I read
    After finding a book at my grandmother's house titled, "Franklin's Blanket" by Paulette Bourgeois and Brenda Clark. I began to read it, the reason was because when I was little I had a blue blanket just like the one in the book.
  • Learning to Read and Write

    Learning to Read and Write
    In kindergarten, at Bethel Elementary School. I learned to read and write with my teacher Mrs. Rushing.
  • Read Across America week

    Read Across America week
    Every year Crossroads Elementary School held a read across america week, in that week you would read books almost all day.
  • First Dairy of a Wimpy Kid book

    First Dairy of a Wimpy Kid book
    After finding, "Diary of a Wimpy Kid” by Jeff Kinney at the book fair held at my school. I flipped through a few pages and I knew I was going to love these books.
  • First K-Prep test

    First K-Prep test
    In third grade, at the end of the year all third graders had to take their first K-Prep test. It contained three parts of reading and three parts of math.
  • Edgar Allan Poe Play

    Edgar Allan Poe Play
    In sixth grade all TAG (talented and gifted) members went to Morehead to watch a play of multiple Edgar Allen Poe’s poems and stories.
  • Teen Brain Essay

    Teen Brain Essay
    In seventh grade all students in Ms. Moriarity's class had to write a teen brain essay. The teen brain essay was about how certain things effect the teen brain and how teen brains work.
  • Teen Writers day out

    Teen Writers day out
    In Seventh grade all students were given the choice to go to an all day writing lesson where students were able to share stories and go to different groups to get pointers on how to write.
  • Reading through Romeo and Juliet

    Reading through Romeo and Juliet
    In eighth grade the Honors English class read through Romeo and Juliet. My role was Sampson, a Capulet serving-man who is involved in a street brawl.