limited monarchy

By Bkurian
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    This treaty between the people of England and the King was signed in order to stop the King from abusing his power. It was used to make sure the king would never have full control over England.
  • Sep 14, 1215

    creation of Parliament

    creation of Parliament
    The parliament was created ensuring that the people would have the power to guide the monarchy. This led to the later events in this timeline as the parliament gradually gained more power overtime as people fought for more and more rights
  • Jun 27, 1350


    I am putting this event here due to the fact of how it created the idea of individuality among Europeans. People saw themselves more than pawns of a king and began to think for themselves. Without the Renaissance, who knows if the English monarchy would have been so limited.
  • Petition of Right

    Petition of Right
    put even more limits on the monarchy in order to keep in restrained from taking absolute power. It gave more power to the parliament by decreasing the power of the monarchy.
  • English Civil War

    English Civil War
    was a war between the royalists and Parliamentarians which was over how England should be governed. Ended with a victory for the Parliamentarians who ended up overthrowing the monarchy and executed Charles 1 and his son. Changed the government of England
  • Habeas Corpus Act

    Habeas Corpus Act
    helped give more power to the English citizens and limited the monarchies power even more.This made the citizens a greater force in England and limited the monarchy's power even more. It gave more rights to English citizens such as the right of not being imprisoned unlawfully.
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    created a constitutional monarchy in Britain as well as gave many rights to Parliament. Free Speech was allowed in Parliament as well as it limited the Monarchy's power to do certain things. These included free elections and an an army cannot be formed during peaceful times.